Re: September Update on Sports

There are several problems with even this portion of the proposal.

1/ Sports are of type text in the proposal.  This is problematic in and of 
itself.  Using well-known URIs in the example makes the situation much worse. 
  There should be a type for sports, and relationships between sports.

2/ The National Football Conference is not a member of the National Football 
League.  It should be a sub-organization.

3/ Athlete is the wrong name for the relationship between a sports team and 
its players.  Many sports teams have athletes working for them who do not 
perform in sporting contests that the team participates in.  I would suggest 
that player is a much better name for this relationship.

4/ Both coach and athlete/player should be subproperties of member.

5/ The name for the relationship between a  sports organization and the sport 
that it plays is too generic.  I would suggest something much more evocative 
of the relationship, for example sportPlayed.

On a lighter note, I see that you have excluded baseball from sports, as 
baseball teams do not have any athletes.  :-)


On 09/17/2014 01:41 PM, Jason Johnson (BING) wrote:
> Hi All,
> In the interests of/'pushing something out is better than nothing'/we are
> going to slice up the 2014 Sports Vocab proposal into three distinct parts.
> This first part will be a 'Sports Agents Vocab' and focus on describing sports
> organizations and athletes. An initial draft proposal + build is completed
> and*ready for review and comment*.  I encourage you to*provide feedback
> ASAP*as we hope to ship this immediately.
> The second part will be a 'Sports Events Vocab' and focus on describing sports
> events and the 'action events' (aka. plays) that occur within those events.
>   See example of such content here:
>  Timelines for a
> proposal focused on this part are TBD but I would like to hear from volunteers
> interest in participating.
> The third part will focus on describing sports statistics, or more
> generically, tabular data like
> this:  The recent
> derivative proposal around 'Measurements' is focused on this area and there is
> strong alignment with the work around CSVs and Tabular Data
> (
> If you are interested in participating in developing a proposal for the 2nd or
> 3rd parts identified, please join the sports schema google group
> (!forum/sports-schema-collab) and let us know.
> Cheers,
> *Jason Johnson*
> Microsoft//

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 22:34:03 UTC