Re: proposal: New Actions and Actions contigent on an Offer

In my mind, there are subtle distinctions between where an Offer is
available and where media can be played. As an example, e-book sellers
often have limitations on where you can buy the book. (e.g. in the US you
can't buy an edition from a UK publisher, you have to buy from the US
publisher). However, once you have purchased the book, you can hop on a
plane and download it from the new location.

+1 to documenting all of this better as it is subtle and difficult to
discern the differences based on property names.

- Vicki

Vicki Tardif Holland | Ontologist |

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 4:24 AM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <> wrote:

> On 10/14/2014 12:56 AM, wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I think elf means to relate it to eligibleRegion. availableAtOrFrom
> defines the place from where you can obtain a (typically physical) product.
> > Now, there are two ways for achieving this. We could expand the domain
> of eligibleRegion and update its text, or simply leave the regionsAllowed
> property as it is.
> > I opt for the latter, since consolidating the two does not really buy us
> a lot and adds complexity, since it links the GoodRelations part of
> with other branches. In general, I would not recommend to
> reuse GoodRelations properties in for purposes outside the
> Agent-Promise-Object-Location core model, because it will become difficult
> to track conflicts and contradictions then.
> I thought about adding short explanation for each of those properties
> how it differs from ones that may sound similar. We already do it for
> example in
> *
> *
> *
> We can find in proposal shared by Vicki as pdf, which I transcribed as
> markdown in github issue:
> {
>   "@context": "",
>   "@type": "WatchAction",
>   "target": "",
>   "contingentOnOffer": {
>     "@type": "Offer",
>     "notAvailableAtOrFrom": {
>       "@type": "Country",
>       "name": "CHN"
>     }
>   }
> }
> It uses proposed schema:notAvailableAtOrFrom, similar to existing
> schema:availableAtOrFrom . Please note we don't talk about place where
> we obtain a (typically physical) product.
> Then schema:regionsAllowed used on *MediaObject* doesn't get used in any
> examples. Still on first sight it looks like something I could possibly
> use as alternative to schema:availableAtOrFrom, of course currently I
> can't use it on Offer, but one may see it enough to use it directly on
> Video.
> Finally schema:eligibleRegion also doesn't get used in any examples but
> looks like yet another option to use instead of schema:availableAtOrFrom
> I think with few additional paragraphs similar as in
> and *clear examples* using all those
> properties we can disambiguate it much better.

Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 14:35:25 UTC