Re: as it could be

I wasn't aware that anything I sent out here was "from a DL perspective".  I 
freely admit that I was working towards a formal perspective, but I don't see 
anything wrong with that, and furthermore the account I've sent out so far is 
only pre-theoretic.

In any case, what perspective should be used?  The perspective of reading the 
information available on  I tried that.  I tried that again.  I 
asked questions about missing parts and contradictions.  I got some answers, 
but not any comprehensive information.

So, in the absence of a good description of I tried to put one 
together for my own purposes, as a potential producer and consumer of information.  This ended up needing to include a philosophy of just 
what is, so I put in my own, namely something that could serve as a 
precursor to a formal treatment of  I then sent the result out to 
the list, as I think that it has value.

What's the alternative to having some sort of formal perspective on  Not having a formal treatment of any kind?  I don't view that as 
a suitable situation.

Perhaps you think that the formal treatment of should be at a 
completely different level or that I've misread some of the wording on the pages and thus that the choices that I've made aren't  correct.  
Fine, point out my errors or propose your own treatment.

However, something needs to be done to provide a better description of what is 
going on for  If the people behind are not doing it, 
then I'm quite willing to jump in.


On 01/07/2014 08:17 AM, Martin Hepp wrote:
> Hi Peter:
> I think that trying to understand from a DL perspective is like trying to understand the Internet from a vacuum tube computer perspective.
> ;-)
> Martin

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2014 16:42:47 UTC