Re: Proposal / RFC: Thing > Intangible > Course[OfStudy?] Type (and OnlineCourse subtype)

On Feb 19, 2014, at 6:09 PM, Aaron Bradley wrote:

And earlier exchanged some thoughts with Peter Pinch about the place of LRMI in a course schema:

I'm still here at MIT OpenCourseWare and I'm game for some further experiments. We're rolling out more metadata about courses at MIT, which may provide some food for thought (see, for example, )

In addition, reorganization at MIT puts me in a position to have some more input into the open edX platform. Unfortunately, they're pretty busy with basic functions now and metadata isn't a high priority.

- Peter

Peter Pinch |  Production Manager, Office of Digital Learning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
One Broadway, 8th Floor  |  Cambridge MA 02142
E<> | T 617-253-6256 | C 617-652-0183

Received on Friday, 21 February 2014 13:16:04 UTC