Re: Sports Vocabulary Proposal

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Gregg Kellogg <>wrote:


The teamSpecificRoles also seem a bit narrow, and people may play multiple
> roles. Roles might better be modeled with something like a "Contribution"
> class; we discussed this for the TV and Radio updates, although nothing
> much came about from it. A person may contribute to a sports team using
> multiple roles. This also allows modeling finer grained sports activities
> such as a season, series, game, period, or individual play. The roles can
> then be defined using an enumeration class similarly to sports disciplines.
> Per-sport role properties are simpler, but also suffer from the cost of
> adding them specifically to the vocabulary rather than allowing the use of
> external enumerations.

This is also an issue in the latest draft of the Comics proposal that I'm
working on; once we can base it on Periodicals, most of the remaining new
properties are roles like artist, colorist, inker, letterer, penciler...
but defining all of the potential contribution roles for every other
potential domain seems like it is at best a duplicative effort of work that
has been done elsewhere.I mentioned a potential approach back in September,
and Niklas replied with an alternative (, but
the discussion fizzled out at that point.

Thinking about it further, having a Contributor type that extends Person by
adding a "contributionType" property, which in turn points at an external
enumeration (falling back to a literal value, of course) might suffice. For
the sports context, SportsPlayer could then extend Contributor and add in
the "hasStatistics" property so that that property doesn't have to be
defined at the Person level.

Perhaps it's worthwhile taking another kick at this? As Aaron Bradley has
mentioned (
if we go with external enumerations, providing some clear direction on
which enumerations are acceptable will be important to implementers (I
think the use of GoodRelations / ProductOntology for external enumerations
set a nice example here). As for which external enumerations to use, I'm
open to suggestions; the LC relators ( offer a decent start, but while
they hit some of the radio, TV, and movie roles, they're certainly not
exhaustive; they don't cover all of the roles in the Comics realm; and they
don't even touch the sports realm.

Received on Friday, 7 February 2014 03:18:49 UTC