RE: search client

Or perhaps he wants to specify which property he wants the search term to be the value of, so he could use a Google Custom Search engine:

and the shameless vanity link  )


From: Mark Harrison [] on behalf of Mark Harrison []
Sent: 29 August 2014 09:41
To: Dave Caroline; Richard H. McCullough
Subject: Re: search client

I'm no expert in mind-reading but perhaps Dick McCullough was asking whether it is possible for a client to ask the major search engines using SPARQL (or even a simplified version of SPARQL) and express their query using predicates and classes from in order to find resources and documents containing those assertions - i.e. to use not only for publishing Linked Data but also for querying it via regular search engines.

For a while there was OpenKnowledgeGraph, which provided a SPARQL endpoint - until it closed down.
Freebase also provides a SPARQL endpoint, although the predicates appear not to be those from

There is a discussion here!topic/infovore-basekb/Dy9T3aI7ZLw
about the possibility of mapping terms from to Freebase predicates.

I hope this helps!

Best wishes,

- Mark

On 29 Aug 2014, at 08:24, Dave Caroline <> wrote:

> You seem confused about who does what in searching.
> How should read your mind, it is not its job
> The client asks the search engines
> Dave Caroline
> On 28/08/2014, Richard H. McCullough <> wrote:
>> As a search client, I would like to use to tell the search
>> engine
>> what I am searching for.  Is that now possible?
>> Dick McCullough
>> Context Knowledge Systems
>> What is your view?

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Received on Friday, 29 August 2014 09:06:10 UTC