Re: ItemList examples

> "Sounds like an obvious simple way forward to me!"

Thanks for the support.

I've also been busy writing my own thoughts down about the matter. I hope
it helps:

1] Introduce new properties for CreativeWork so it (and it's subClasses)
can express they are (part of) a 'collection' of sorts, thus keeping
ItemList an editorial work:
    1] previous = <ol start> = Text / URI / CreativeWork
    2] next = <ol> resolved by DOM = Text / URI / CreativeWork
    3] end = <ol> (implied if there is no @start) = Text / URI /
    4] position = <li value="7"> = Text / Number (unclear whether this
should be Integer instead)
2] Introduce 'hasPart' (with domain of CreativeWork and a range of Thing)
3] Deprecate al versions of *Part* in favor of using 'isPartOf'
4] Deprecate al versions of *num* in favor of using 'numberOf'

More details can be found on:

2014-08-08 17:57 GMT+02:00 Wallis,Richard <>:

> Sounds like an obvious simple way forward to me!
> Avoids all that messing about with the Role-style indirection that we have
> been discussing.
> And would result in cleaner clearer markup
> ~Richard
> On 8 Aug 2014, at 11:22, Jarno van Driel <> wrote:
> > I have a quick question (I'm working on something)...
> >
> > As a Multi-Type Entity isn't considered anything strange for something
> like 'a Service being offered' [Product, Service]. Instead of 'ListItem >
> item > Thing', could we not just use a MTE to define the ListItem
> [ListItem, Thing]?

Received on Friday, 8 August 2014 17:24:55 UTC