Re: Proposal: Audiobook

On 9/30/13 11:24 AM, Dan Brickley wrote:
> On 30 September 2013 19:15, Wallis,Richard <> wrote:
>> Is this not why  'additionalType' was added to Thing?
> Yes: Microdata has trouble with the idea of describing an item using
> multiple independently defined types:
> " Multiple types defined to use the same vocabulary can be given for a
> single item by listing the URLs as a space-separated list in the
> attribute' value. An item cannot be given two types if they do not use
> the same vocabulary, however." --
> Rather than trying to gradually turn Microdata into something that it
> isn't (i.e. back into RDFa), the team decided instead to
> add the additionalType property.

I had understood the "additionalType" as mainly having a function of 
categorization -- this thing is both an apple and a fruit. Does the use 
of an additionalType that is a type provide access to all of 
the properties of the additionalType?


  At the time we noted "In RDFa syntax,
> it is better to use the native RDFa syntax - the 'typeof' attribute -
> for multiple types. tools may have only weaker
> understanding of extra types, in particular those defined
> externally.". Despite that I've subsequently heard a few people argue
> that it is nice to know which type is in some informal sense the
> 'main' one, so you could even make a case to use additionalType more
> widely.
> Dan
>> ~Richard
>> On 30 Sep 2013, at 17:19, Guha <> wrote:
>>  From the perspective of the graph that is built (and hopefully, hence the
>> applications of the data), there is no difference.
>> The difference should only be in the DOM.
>> guha
>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Guha, and pardon my "term dyslexia" re: micro/data/format.
>>> So for audiobooks, would we have:
>>> <div itemscope itemtype="
>>> And/or a nesting of itemtypes:
>>> <div itemscope itemtype="">
>>>   [audiobook information here]
>>>    <div itemtype="">
>>>      [product information here]
>>> In other words, can you "step down" the itemtypes, with the audiobook
>>> description first, then product information as a subordinate set of data?
>>> Is there a functional difference?
>>> kc
>>> On 9/30/13 8:28 AM, Guha wrote:
>>>> I don't believe microformats have the concept of explicit types.
>>>> With microdata, rdfa and json-ld, yes, you can.
>>>> guha
>>>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:16 AM, Karen Coyle <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>      I believe there was a question about using multiple types in
>>>>      microformat markup which I can't find now, nor an answer. So in case
>>>>      I dreamed it all, I'll rephrase it here: can one use multiple types
>>>>      in a microformat markup, and could someone please provide a brief
>>>>      example?
>>>>      Thank you,
>>>>      kc
>>>>      On 9/26/13 5:46 AM, Vicki Tardif Holland wrote:
>>>>          On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 8:26 AM, Martin Hepp
>>>>          <martin.hepp@ebusiness-unibw.__org
>>>>          <>
>>>>          <
>>>>          <>>> wrote:
>>>>               Now, we can take at least two approaches for handling this:
>>>>               1. We can use multiple supertypes, i.e. materialize a
>>>> multiple
>>>>               inheritance relation (e.g. make AudioBook a subtype of both
>>>>               CreativeWorks and Product)
>>>>               2. We can encourage the use of multiple types at markup
>>>> time.
>>>>               I strongly recommend option #2, because
>>>>               - it waives the need to define relevant combinations ex
>>>> ante,
>>>>               - it avoids the irritating listing of properties that are
>>>> not
>>>>               relevant for most use cases, and
>>>>               - it decouples the evolution of type combinations from the
>>>>          evolution
>>>>               of the <> <>
>>>>          specification.
>>>>          Decoupling the evolution of type combinations from the evolution
>>>>          of the
>>>>          specification is an important point. If we have to serve all of
>>>>          the uses
>>>>          of AudioBook (or any other type) in its specification, we are
>>>>          going to
>>>>          end up with a tangle of multiple inheritance and/or duplicate
>>>>          properties
>>>>          which authors will not understand how to use.
>>>>          - Vicki
>>>>          Vicki Tardif Holland | Ontologist |
>>>>          <>
>>>>          < <>>
>>>>      --
>>>>      Karen Coyle
>>>> <>
>>>>      m: 1-510-435-8234 <tel:1-510-435-8234>
>>>>      skype: kcoylenet
>>> --
>>> Karen Coyle
>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>> skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Monday, 30 September 2013 19:25:15 UTC