wishlists using Offer, Demand, Product, seeks, makesOffer, attribution

Howdy :)

I start working with friends on self hosted *wishlists* for individuals, 
organizations and events, currently with main focus on *In-Kind* 
donations. Of course looking here at taking advantage of expressing it 
using terms from schema.org!

Let's take an example of event looking for a venue, used links don't 
exist (yet!) also will put offers and demands under /io/ paths. I pretty 
much describe what we have really done last Saturday just in informal way!

@prefix schema: <http://schema.org/>

   a schema:Event
   schema:seeks <https://crisiscamp.net/graz/2013-11-16/io/venue>
   schema:seeks <https://crisiscamp.net/graz/2013-11-16/io/food>
   schema:seeks <https://crisiscamp.net/graz/2013-11-16/io/projector>

   a schema:Demand
   schema:itemOffered <https://crisiscamp.net/graz/2013-11-16#venue>
   schema:eligibleTransactionVolume <http://polyeconomy.info/gift>

   a schema:Place
   a schema:Product
   schema:description "place in Graz welcoming to host Crisis Camp"

   a schema:PriceSpecification
   schema:price "0"

I hope above reads "We look for donation of place in graz to host a 
crisis camp". Now the part of an organization who offers venue.

@prefix schema: <http://schema.org/>

  a schema:Organization

  a schema:Place

  a schema:Place
  a schema:Product
  schema:containedIn <http://spektral.at/venue>
  schema:offers <http://spektral.at/io/venue/gallery>

  a schema:Offer
  schema:price "0"

So now we have io match between offer (o) and demand (i)

<https://crisiscamp.net/graz/2013-11-16/io/venue> and

Situations I would need to express now:

1. one demand has multiple offers matching (we can choose which venue we 
want to accept)
2. we accept one offer and want to publish *attribution* on event page 
saying that http://spektral.at (Orga.) contributed 
http://spektral.at/venue/galery (Place/Product)

Few schema.org related notes:

* http://schema.org/seeks used in Organization and Person but not yet in 
* http://schema.org/Demand doesn't seem to have easy way of saying that 
we look for *In-Kind donation* and offer attribution, I used 
eligibleTransactionVolume in my example but maybe I could use 
acceptedPaymentMethod of "Attribution", a subclass of 

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 14:52:22 UTC