Re: Official OWL version outdated

On May 18, 2013, at 8:42 AM, Bo Ferri wrote:

> Hi Holger,
> this looks pretty good so far. Thanks a lot for your engagement. However, I'm not sure whether your utilisation of rdf:Property and owl:unionOf ranges that include classes as well as datatypes are really possible. Albeit, from the OWL 2 specs [1] I can see that there are definitions for ObjectUnionOf and DataUnionOf, which are somehow separate from each other, or? For example rNews (e.g. [2]) makes use of object unionOfs and datatype unionOfs, but no mixing.

Yes these problems (among others) caused me to remove the mixed properties in my first version. It is IMHO *very* unfortunate that the design uses such mixed properties and I hope this pattern will not be propagated further. Instead, new properties should be introduced for the string values. But given this pre-existing design, a compromise needs to be applied. And here the compromise is to use OWL Full over OWL DL.

> Generally, you could add rdf:Property to all properties and rdfs:Class to all classes for "backward" compatibility (this is one of my personal preferences when modelling ontologies ;) ).

I personally don't like having redundant triples in a file. Anyone can quite easily add those (either dynamically as "inference" or through a CONSTRUCT query) to their own copy of the schema file.


Received on Friday, 17 May 2013 22:51:24 UTC