Re: Proposal: VisualArtwork

On 7 May 2013 23:43, Guha <> wrote:
> I agree. This is a good idea and a simple addition.
> If there aren't objections, we will include it in the next draft.

Ok, I have transcribed from the Wiki page into a candidate RDFa+RDFS
config for It is pretty straightforward. Note that
width/height/depth already exist; we are here just attaching another
expected type to the list of included domain types. And a reminder
that 'domain' and 'range' in are weaker than RDFS's domain
and range; we'll rename/alias them to rangeIncludes / domainIncludes
at some point to clarify this.

The draft lives in the W3C WebSchemas repository,

Mercurial reminder, the 'raw' link shows you HTML,
... but for these files, the detail is best viewed in the raw HTML

Feeding that URL to Ivan Herman's RDFa 1.1 distiller - - gives the Turtle summary below; seems

A couple of points, by which as usual I mean at least 3:

(1.) I didn't see a short description for the type itself, so I
invented one - 'A work of art that is primarily visual in character.'
(2.) It would be good to find wording (and/or hierarchical) that
acknowledges that some visual arts can be tactile too; e.g. that blind
people can appreciate ... hence the
'primarily' here. Suggestions anyone? Would we say Sculpture is a
sub-type of VisualArtwork ?
(3.) I have omitted 'edition' for now, partly because it seems
something that ought to be handled for creative works, journals,
comics etc consistently; but mostly because I didn't quite understand
"For multiples such as prints, the number of copies in the edition"
(did someone mention
(4.) This transcription might not do complete justice to the various
points raised in the rest of this thread; but hopefully it helps firm
things up.


@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .

schema:VisualArtwork a rdfs:Class;
    rdfs:label "VisualArtwork";
    dc:source <>;
    rdfs:comment "A work of art that is primarily visual in character.";
    rdfs:subClassOf schema:CreativeWork .

schema:artform a rdf:Property;
    rdfs:label "artform";
    schema:domain schema:VisualArtwork;
    schema:range schema:Text;
    rdfs:comment "e.g. Painting, Drawing, Scupture, Print, Photograph,
Assemblage, Collage, etc." .

schema:depth a rdf:Property;
    schema:domain schema:VisualArtwork .

schema:height a rdf:Property;
    schema:domain schema:VisualArtwork .

schema:materials a rdf:Property;
    rdfs:label "materials";
    schema:domain schema:VisualArtwork;
    schema:range schema:Text;
    rdfs:comment "e.g. Oil, Watercolour, Acrylic, Linoprint, Marble,
Cyanotype, Digital, Lithograph, DryPoint, Intaglio, Pastel, Woodcut,
Pencil, Mixed Media, etc." .

schema:surface a rdf:Property;
    rdfs:label "surface";
    schema:domain schema:VisualArtwork;
    schema:range schema:Text;
    rdfs:comment "e.g. Canvas, Paper, Wood, Board, etc." .

schema:width a rdf:Property;
    schema:domain schema:VisualArtwork .

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2013 15:12:34 UTC