Re: Should we adopt SKOS?

On the point from Karen, re " full metadata standard including control
of the value space."

Excuse me quoting myself, but we tried to set things out in

a) controlled value spaces are a good thing and to be encouraged
b) although we have a few modestly sized enumerations within, we prefer them to be maintained "out there in the Web" by
expert communities

>From the blog post,

"The world is too rich, complex and interesting for a single schema to
describe fully on its own. we aim to find a balance, by
providing a core schema that covers lots of situations, alongside
extension mechanisms for extra detail. There are many situations where
the use of existing controlled vocabularies, standards and datasets
would improve markup."

The combination of a SKOS-lite model, alongside
Wikipedia-Wikidata-DBPedia, Freebase hopefully allows for
decentralised value space management, within a reasonably simple base.



Received on Friday, 11 January 2013 17:45:52 UTC