Re: Tracing Hieritage

On 26 August 2013 21:26, Alex Milowski <> wrote:

> I'm curious as to where specific classes or properties have come from.  I
> was looking at:
> which is traceable to the 'nutrition' property of 'Recipe' and so the
> 'Recipe' class came from where?
> That is, I'm trying to understand those classes and properties there were
> adapted from other existing vocabularies versus those that are "newly"
> created.

Every type page for a type that was added via a collaboration should show
some acknowledgement of an external source. That includes the medical
vocabulary we added

For example, says 'This class contains
information contributed by WikiDoc <>.'

This information is available in RDFa as part of the dump at ... but we've not yet added it
to the per-property pages.

If no external contribution is mentioned, then the vocabulary was part of
the original release in June 2011.

Hope this helps,


Received on Monday, 26 August 2013 22:51:29 UTC