Re: new itemscope or not?

Ed, thanks for this. It all comes down to testing effectiveness, I guess - I am not wedded to any one approach. I like what Schema has done with ISBN.

On Sep 7, 2012, at 2:10 PM, Ed Summers <<>> wrote:

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Dawson, Laura <<>> wrote:
This is music to my ears. It seems inevitable that more identifiers are going to prove to be critical components of Schema. There is a public entity name ID (ISNI) that would be helpful to differentiate & collocate names; there is a similar identifier in the STM world called the ORCID (which is interoperable with ISNI and in fact may actually really BE an ISNI, as they've been allocated for ORCID); there is a text ID (ISTC) that identifies text independent of format; there is of course the ISBN; there is the ISRC, which identifies recordings; there is the ISAN, which identifies addresses. And there is the DOI, which identifies links themselves.

I've been talking a little with Richard Wallis about the inclusion of identifiers in Schema - there are a couple of models. One of these is to have a separate class of objects called "identifiers"; the other is to have the identifiers as attributes in the schemas themselves. I'm leaning towards the former simply because a thing can have more than one identifier (a book, for example, can have an ISBN and an ISTC; an author can have an ISNI and an ORCID), and a relational model may be more flexible.

One thing that Cord pointed out is that HTML Microdata already has a
mechanism for saying when a given entity (author, etc) has an
identifier: the itemid attribute.

So for example:

<div itemscope itemtype ="">
 <span itemid="">itemprop="author"
itemscope itemtype="">
   <span itemprop="name">Shakespeare, William</span>

I'd encourage you to try using it before defining an Identifier class,
or including them in all the schemas that could potentially have an
identification mechanism (probably most of them).


Laura Dawson
Product Manager, Identifiers

Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 18:25:17 UTC