Inconsistent markup for JobPosting

It's unclear in the JobPosting <> microdata
example whether the property 'incentives' works like the other properties
such as responsibilities, educationRequirements, or experienceRequirements
which are Text. I'm assuming incentives works the same way as its sibling
properties, but in the example, the itemprop="incentives" is inside a span
in the li element, whereas for the other properties, the itemprop is placed
higher in the ul element (parent of all the li elements of the list). This
example seems to indicate that if there were several items in the list of
incentives, there would be several values for 'incentives' in the generated
output (and the property should be renamed to its singular form too). This
would need to be clarified. If incentives is expected to be a one value
Text like the other JobPosting properties, I would suggest to make the
example consistent. I've attached a patch that fixes that and also cleans
up the HTML in the example (mostly wrong indentations).


Received on Friday, 29 June 2012 15:00:05 UTC