Re: additionalType property, vs extending Microdata syntax for multiple types

On 18 June 2012 17:44, Jason Douglas <> wrote:
> That's not just a token list... it's an ordered token list.
>  You're privileging the first token as the "frame" as Martin calls it.  In
> the case of a token list for itemprop there's no order dependance (and I'm
> guessing that's the reason itemtype is the way it is in the spec).

I'm ok with having a privileged role for the first token; Microdata
needs something like this, since it thinks of the properties as being
set by types, in contrast to RDF's more statement-oriented model.
There's also a sense in which descriptions prioritize types that suits this constraint. We don't mind
things-that-look-like-types from other namespaces being mentioned but
currently the partners only collectively say that they
"understand" stuff from's own namespace. The
'additionalType' design + phrasing, and the 'add it to end of
space-separated list' approach, both work from that perspective.

So - if we went for the 'tweak Microdata' approach, what if anything
might break in practice?


Received on Monday, 18 June 2012 16:46:45 UTC