Re: Comment versus UserComments

Hi Dan,

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> Can we get a couple of sample real-world pages that can guide our
> decisions here? Stéphane - do you have something from Drupal 7 maybe?

You can look at the comments of any Drupal 7 site, for example
I took the markup of that comment and stripped it down to highlight the
relevant type and properties we use:

<div typeof="sioct:Comment">
  <span rel="sioc:has_creator"><a typeof="schema:Person"
property="schema:name" rel="foaf:page" href="">Lin
  <span property="dc:date" content="2011-10-01T10:12:00+02:00"
datatype="xsd:dateTime">Sat, 01/10/2011 - 10:12</span>
  <h3 property="dc:title">Wow, big news!</h3>
  <span rel="sioc:reply_of"
  <div property="content:encoded">Wow, big news!. It also looks like Google
might have fixed their RDFa parser? It doesn't seem like you are using Rich
Snippets module to change the placement of the image's rel attribute, which
was required before to get the image to show up. This is great because I'm
planning on doing a project that aggregates content from Drupal sites and
uses the vocabulary to model things... and now people can do it
in either RDFa or microdata and still get the SEO benefit from it.</div>

Except for the missing Comment type, some of the properties used
above have an equivalent at
sioc:has_creator => author
dc:date => dateCreated
dc:title => name

A comment body property should be created for the Comment type (I guess it
would be called commentBody following the same convention as articleBody
for the type Article).

sioc:reply_of is used to link to the post the comment is replying to.
Looking at it seems the comment property
could be used to link an article to its comments, but this needs to be
clarified wrt to UserComments and UserInteraction (already mentioned in
this thread). The type Comment could also define a property to refer to the
post it replies to, such as 'repliesTo' or 'parentItem' (Review
defines itemReviewed for example). This property would be equivalent to
sioc:reply_of. Drupal 7 also use the same sioc:reply_of property to link to
the parent comment in the case of threaded discussions.



Received on Thursday, 19 January 2012 18:15:29 UTC