Re: draft JobPosting addition for

The job listing schema looks good to me.  Comparing it with schemas we've used in Needlebase for aggregating job listings, the only addition I'd suggest is a contact email address for the listing.  The URL field inherited from Thing is obviously crucial, as is the generic description field from Thing for cases where the posting intermingles the skills, requirements, responsibilities, etc. as free text.


>  On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:37 PM, Dan Brickley<  <>>  wrote:
>>  Below, I pass along a draft for a "JobPosting" addition to
>>'s vocabulary. It is relatively simple, but re-uses the
>>  Organization and Place constructs to say who is hiring, and where they
>>  are. Feedback particularly welcomed on occupationalCategory property,
>>  and any tweaks or other key schemes that would improve its usefulness
>>  worldwide. The intent is to capture what job sites are saying, rather
>>  than to try to impose a model. Not every property will be applicable
>>  to every site / listing.  For job categories using BLS O*NET-SOC ie.
>>  "Occupational Information Network-Standard Occupational
>>  Classification)" I believe
>>  is a good
>>  reference.
>>  Dan
>>  ----
>>  JobPosting
>>  title: Text
>>  hiringOrganization: Organization
>>  industry: Text
>>  occupationalCategory: Text (use BLS O*NET-SOC taxonomy:
>>  jobLocation: Place
>>  baseSalary: Number
>>  salaryCurrency: Text
>>  employmentType: Text (e.g. full-time, part-time, contract, temporary,
>>  seasonal, internship)
>>  workHours: Text (e.g. 1st shift, night shift, 8am-5pm)
>>  qualifications: Text
>>  skills: Text
>>  educationRequirements: Text
>>  experienceRequirements: Text
>>  responsibilities: Text
>>  benefits: Text
>>  incentives: Text - a place for bonus and commission compensation
>>  veteranCommitment: Text
>>  datePosted: Date

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 20:29:55 UTC