Feedback welcome on Ian slides for Advisory Board presentation (due 13 July)

Hi all,

W3C's Advisory Board (AB) [1] meets this week. All five task forces  
set up by the CEO will be presenting. I put together some slides based  
on our recent work:

This is an opportunity to get direct feedback from the AB, and so  
there are a few questions in there. I'd love to hear from you what are  
key questions about this work where the AB can provide input.

The slides follow a template that the other task forces will use as  
well (which is also why they are in ODP). But the heart of the  
presentation starts on slide 9: "Issues." I have been trying to  
synthesize all the various conversations I've had 1-1 with people as  
well as the discussion we've had on the list. The wiki reflects the  
diversity of valuable comments. I have not been able to distill them  
into clear messages or a clear path forward. I also didn't expect to  
yet, but being obliged to talk about the work to others provides a  
good opportunity to focus.

I'll be presenting Wednesday or Thursday and welcome any suggestions.  
We can also chat about the slides at today's meeting if people want to.

  _ Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 12 July 2010 14:17:39 UTC