Re: Chairs' decision on VC-ACDC Proposal

So much for a big tent. Given that the -1s came from those companies that directly benefit from vc-jwt only and not others, it seems that any rough consensus will be impossible in the future for any variant of a big tent.

Given that outcome, I can no longer support the consensus compromise we made in Miami. I withdraw my support for that compromise which was made with the full expectation that the vc-jwt was a precedent for more to come. I expect others will do the same.

> On Mar 20, 2023, at 15:13, Brent Zundel <> wrote:
> In response to the discussion held during our 2023-04-15 meeting[1], and the proposed resolution regarding adoption of the VC-ACDC transformation specification, the chairs have determined that rough consensus to adopt the work item was not reached.
> Brent Zundel and Kristina Yasuda
> VCWG Chairs
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 21 March 2023 08:17:05 UTC