Re: Reminder: spec work continuing in CCG

FYI, the CCG chairs have asked that we remind everyone that we specifically
need people to volunteer as editors to help with such maintenance work.
Please contact me or the CCG if you would like to help move forward any
such maintenance work.  As a reminder, the maintenance Working Group
exists primarily to approve/reject proposals from the CCG since the WG will
not have frequent discussion calls.  So, if you are a member of this
Working Group who is interested in maintenance of the Verifiable
Credentials 1.0 spec, please also join the CCG and identify yourself as
someone who wants to progress the work.

-- dan

On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 12:29 PM Dan Burnett <>

> Group,
> While we are waiting for this Working Group to be re-charted in
> Maintenance mode, we wanted to remind everyone that maintenance
> modifications to version 1.0 of the spec are being developed in the
> non-standards track Credentials Community Group.  If you want to
> participate in or follow that work, please join the Credentials Community
> Group.  Information on the group and how to participate can be found at
> .
> -- dan (past and future Co-Chair, VCWG)

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2020 17:28:46 UTC