Re: Secure Chrome

On Monday 12 June 2006 20:00, James A. Donald wrote:
>      --
> Chris Drake wrote:
>  > You can put as much effort as you want into chrome,
>  > and 100% of it will be wasted when the spamming
>  > phishers etc just visually simulate the entire browser
>  > UI.
> I think most users would notice a browser inside the
> browser.  You can only simulate the entire browser UI if
> the browser allows frameless popups.
> And even though some users will not notice, a situation
> where fraud is glaringly obvious is a big improvement on
> a situation where it is subtle and unobvious.

  Remember that phishing only has to hit some very small percentage, like 0.1% 
of users, to be financially lucrative.  That means if you fool one in a 
thousand, you've made your money.  I do agree that removing the subtle 
phishes is a good step forward and well worth the effort.  I still think that 
the obvious ones are financially lucrative though.

George Staikos
KDE Developer
Staikos Computing Services Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2006 00:06:24 UTC