Re: How to build console unicorn version

Le Sun, 22 Aug 2010 07:21:05 +0200, Ranjith <> a  
> Hi all,
>      I have successfully builded Unicorn using ant and executed it on
> Tomcat, It runs fine in Tomcat no issues. Instead of running it on tomcat
> server or any other web server it should be implemented in console  
> version.
> (I don`t want to run it on any web server).
>     My goal on this application is, build a console version of unicorn

Hi Ranjith,

We've been working on the console version during the past few weeks. It  
should now be usable more easily.
Follow these steps:
* Update your local copy to the latest version in Mercurial
* run "ant retrieve generate_observer generate_tasklist cli"
* if everything went well, you should have a dist/cli directory, cd into it
* run "java -jar unicorn.jar ucn_task=conformance  
ucn_uri=". You can add a parameter ucn_lang=xx where xx  
is the code of the language to use and ucn_format=yy where yy is the  
format to output results in (one of text, xhtml10, xml).

This command line client doesn't yet provide all the features the online  
version, and we need to work on its documentation, but we are interested  
in gathering your feedback first.
Also, do note that Unicorn uses external validators through HTTP requests  
so the URI you try to check needs to be accessible from distant servers,  
unless you install all the validators locally, but then you would need to  
run them on a web server.

Best Regards,


Received on Monday, 15 November 2010 13:41:26 UTC