CSS test: Possible bug or intended?

I know that the property "border-radius" is part of CSS3 and with
http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ I can switch to the CSS 3 profile
and all is correct.

Now I test the same CSS file with Unicorn's CSS test. I get follow:

Error: Line 31 : Property border-radius doesn't exist

Is this a bug or is this intended? 

Why do I ask this? In the same CSS file the CSS3 element "text-shadow"
is used and pass without error. I know, that the "text-shadow" was for
many time part of CSS 2, then was moved to CSS 2.1 and now is part of

Why do Unicorn's CSS test accept "text-shadow" and "border-radius" not?

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Received on Saturday, 18 November 2006 20:54:13 UTC