getting started ...

It is time to get the Ubiquitous Application Design Community Group up 
and running, now that the Model-Based UI working group is winding down.

The main aims of this community group are to foster discussion between 
developers and researchers on the role of model-based UI design, to 
gather implementation experience, and look at further opportunities for 
standardization, e.g. for rule languages and vocabularies for dynamic 
adaptation to the context of use, meta-models for interchange of 
concrete UI designs, and support for multiscreen user interfaces and 
nomadic user interfaces.

Community Groups generally work via email and communal editing of 
drafts. Teleconferences and face to face meetings are a possibility if 
needed. Indeed it might be worth looking for opportunities to hold such 
meetings in conjunction with research conferences such as EICS, and 
developer events as a means to mix with developers and exchange ideas.

The first step is to seek volunteers for co-chairs to lead the activity. 
We can then discuss priorities and come up with a road map.

Note: please invite people you think would be interested to become 
participants in this community group. There are no fees and you do NOT 
have to work for a W3C Member organization.

p.s. it would be a good idea to use the UAD CG Wiki to add further 
information on related projects, e.g. Serenoa.

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Friday, 29 November 2013 13:15:04 UTC