Conference call agenda, May 2 2017

Hi all,

Here are the agenda and connection details for the next TV Control Working Group meeting.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017
9:00 am | Eastern Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr

The review for the proposed new charter to continue work on the TV Control API specification received a good number of responses in support of the work. However, based on the responses to the liaisons we initiated earlier this year, and the number of active contributors to the Working Group over the past year, I don't believe we have a clear route to successful industry adoption of the API. 

My view therefore is that, despite the commitment and good work done by the existing contributors (including members, non-members, and W3C staff), the Working Group should close at the end of the current charter period.

The goal for this meeting is to arrive at a consensus for the next steps for the TV Control API, so I hope you can join us.

# Agenda

1. Welcome

* Agenda review, scribe selection

2. Rechartering call for participation results

3. Next steps for the TV Control API specification

- Publication as Working Group Note
- Possible return to incubation, e.g., in the TV Control Community Group
- Options for restarting work at a later date

4. AOB

# Connection details

To join the meeting from a browser:

To join the meeting from a WebEx application:
Meeting number: 646 942 941
Meeting password: see (member-only)

To join by phone: +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number

IRC Channel: #tvapi on, port 6665, or

Best regards,

Chris (WG Chair)

Received on Saturday, 29 April 2017 11:37:46 UTC