TV Control WG charter under review by the W3C Advisory Committee

Dear participants of the TV Control API Community Group,

This is to let you know that the draft charter of a possible TV Control Working Group that we've been discussing in the last couple of months has been sent out to the W3C Advisory Committee (AC) for review earlier this week. The review runs until 18 March 2016.

The draft charter under review is available at:

If you work for a W3C Member, please get in touch with your AC representative and ensure that you provide input (and ideally support) the charter:
 (member-only link)

The working group will be created provided the review demonstrates broad-enough support for this work (which translates to at least 20 members supporting the charter)

If you do not work for a W3C Member, please note that W3C also invites public comments on the proposed charter. Other than comments sent in formal responses by W3C Advisory Committee Representatives, W3C cannot guarantee a response to comments, though. Public comments should be sent to, which has a public archive:


Received on Thursday, 18 February 2016 13:44:40 UTC