Re: tvapi-ACTION-42: Review the emails around and implement/remove requirement.

Hi all,

According to Paul's comment in [1],

Other detailed information of the channel/program with TV stream.

Q: Can anyone comment on what this additional channel/program
information is and how it would be delivered to the receiving
terminal? Is there a specific data need or is it just “curiosity”?
You could “JSONify” eberything in the TS, but it is probably not needed.

Actually I have the same question too. So far it doesn't appear to have a
clear road map about what additional detailed info that we need to add to
the current TVProgram interface [2]. And if we do find out something
missing, we may still fulfill it by adding a new specific attribute to the
interface. Besides, the semantic seems already covered in requirement
"". So my suggestion would be to remove this one, at least for
now until we have something more clear to do.


Best regards,
Sean Lin
Mozilla Taiwan


On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:22 PM, TV Control API Community Group Issue
Tracker <> wrote:

> tvapi-ACTION-42: Review the emails around and
> implement/remove requirement.
> Assigned to: Sean Lin

Received on Friday, 2 October 2015 09:42:36 UTC