[admin] Logistics of Teleconference and Call for Scribe

Hello team,

I have created a News and Resources page [1] for administrative matters of our group's operation, including meeting planning and logistics:

    - When: 9:00am – 10:00am USA Eastern Time
    - Calling Number: +1.312.777.1449
    - Access Code: 8944921#
    - IRC Channel: #tvapi on irc.w3.org, port 6665

Please note that we are a Community Group, thus the teleconference bridge is sponsored by AT&T and won’t be able to link to IRC Zakim agent. However, we still will use IRC to capture notes and publish meeting minutes etc.

Please keep in mind that W3C will not have staff support for scribing etc. So I am calling for volunteers to take the minutes for our conference calls. In News and Resources page [1], you can see the scribes are all TBD for each conference call. Please let me know if you can take any one of the scribe slots. Really appreciated.

The draft agenda of our first teleconference is also available [2], which is linked from [1] too:

    1. Welcome
    2. Roll Call and Introduction
    3. Call for Scribe
    4. Appointment of Editor of Specification
    5. Discussion of Work Schedule
    6. Call for Contribution
    7. AOB

Let me know if you have any question and/or suggestion.

Thank you

[1] http://www.w3.org/community/tvapi/news-and-resources/

[2] http://www.w3.org/community/tvapi/news-and-resources/agenda-of-teleconference-on-may-13th/

Received on Sunday, 11 May 2014 16:45:46 UTC