{Minutes} TTWG Meeting 2019-06-20

Thanks all for attending today’s TTWG meeting. Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2019/06/20-tt-minutes.html

In text format:


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

20 June 2019

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/43
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2019/06/20-tt-irc


          Cyril, Gary, Nigel

          Andreas, Glenn, Mike, Philippe, Pierre, Thierry


          cyril, nigel


     * [4]Meeting minutes
         1. [5]this meeting
         2. [6]WebVTT
         3. [7]TTML2 luminance gain
         4. [8]TTML Profile Registry The codecs parameter should
            have a formal definition of the use of the combination
            operators. #71
         5. [9]PNG in PQ HDR
         6. [10]AOB - Karaoke
         7. [11]Meeting close

Meeting minutes

   <nigel> Log: [12]https://www.w3.org/2019/06/20-tt-irc

     [12] https://www.w3.org/2019/06/20-tt-irc

this meeting

   nigel: we have WebVTT
   … for TTML we don't have the right people
   … profile registry
   … Mike declined for this meeting
   … progress on PNG PQ
   … update on charter
   … AOB: karaoke


   nigel: gary has done a snapshot

   gkatsev: it's marking 4 things at risk
   … text combine upright, text wrap balance, line and position
   … the last 2 are probably supported in Firefox and vtt.js but
   it's safer to mark them at risk

   nigel: what are we doing with unsigned long?

   gkatsev: silvia mentioned that there is not int in WebIDL?
   … we can use the regular long, it's the right range but allows
   negative values
   … however the spec says that negative values should throw
   … for now I've split the test into an int range that passes

   nigel: [does some binary maths] your change should work

   gkatsev: I should update my PR to remove the second test

   nigel: In a way it was a weird thing for the spec to say that
   it should throw for neg values when they were not possible

   gkatsev: I'll update that today

   nigel: to see the snapshot what do we have to do?

   <gkatsev> [13]current at-risk snapshot

     [13] https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/webvtt/blob/f071ae65389148c8195102e3fb2483de7e408dd0/archives/2019-06-19/Overview.html

   nigel: we'll review that

   nigel: the summary for this week is you made tests, we approved
   but they are not merged yet
   … could you review them?

   gkatsev: yes they pass in Safari and Firefox
   … there was the issue regarding the cue box sizes
   … and it seems a reasonable change
   … but I probably don't want to do it now
   … yet another moving part
   … Is make such change just before CR ok?

   nigel: It can be done but it depends on the impact of the
   … I'm not clear on the impact for this one
   … I would like to have PLH's input on this one
   … If you can demonstrate 2 implementations
   … is it related to writing direction?

   gkatsev: if you have text alignment left or right, the position
   is correct
   … but if start or end, it won't be aligned properly

   nigel: so it's a bug

   gkatsev: start and end were added a bit later

   nigel: the implementations do what the spec says?

   gkatsev: yes

   nigel: so if you fix the spec, the implementations will have to

   gkatsev: yes
   … making a normative change feels that it would take longer to
   get the CR out
   … I will ping PLH on the issue directly

   nigel: yes that needs more thought
   … the impact is that for right to left if you rely on start or
   end it won't work
   … so there is a work around?

   gkatsev: yes

   nigel: it doesn't sound that the impact is massive if we don't
   fix it now

   gkatsev: yes, the workaround is use right or left instead of
   start or end, depending on the writing direction

   nigel: anything else on VTT?

TTML2 luminance gain

   github: [14]https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/1117

     [14] https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/1117

   Cyril: The context is that I started discussing internally at
   … with teams who implement HDR on games consoles, asking how to
   render luminanceGain.
   … People looking at the spec for the first time were confused
   by the term "gain".
   … It's an absolute luminance but called a gain. Initially they
   thought it was gain relative to graphics white.
   … You can discuss with the TV to know what its graphics white
   luminance is. They interpreted it
   … as compared to that and not compared to 18 nits which the
   spec says.
   … The spec is not unclear, but they had an assumption.
   … We agree with what is written in the spec and Fox proposed
   this clarification. We think
   … it is a good one.

   Nigel: Will you propose a pull request?

   Cyril: Yes, it will be a Note saying that the gain is relative
   to 18 nits and not to a relative value
   … corresponding to the device graphic white, or something along
   those lines.

   Nigel: Ok, looking forward to seeing the pull request for that.

TTML Profile Registry The codecs parameter should have a formal
definition of the use of the combination operators. #71

   github: [15]https://github.com/w3c/tt-profile-registry/issues/

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/tt-profile-registry/issues/71

   Nigel: It's been a while since we opened this and we haven't
   managed to get to it.

   Cyril: I haven't had a chance to work on it.

   Nigel: Comment from 11 April, we need Cyril, Mike and Glenn on
   the call. Let's move on for today, since we don't have all
   those people.

   github-bot, end topic


   cyril: this seems purely editorial

   nigel: yes
   … I have changed the link on the repo, as requested on the repo
   … and I have created a PR to add link to the editor's draft in
   the readme

   <nigel> [16]Pull request #9

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/png-hdr-pq/pull/9

AOB - Karaoke

   Cyril: I have made a first editor's draft of the Karaoke
   … For the record, I'm uneasy with the term Module, and have had
   lengthy conversations with Glenn.
   … My position is if we promote the term Module to a bigger
   state, to be more visible, we will have
   … terms like Specifications (TTML), Profiles (IMSC), Features
   (feature designators),
   … and my view is the term is only in TTML in the two tables in
   §5 which list the modules as a collection
   … of elements or attributes. I think it is confusing for a new
   specification to say it is a module.
   … What people will care about is the module defines one or more
   features, which a profile can then
   … include. That's the only thing that is needed.
   … I'll follow what the group decides but I think it's
   … I know CSS uses the term Module so maybe people are familiar
   with that.
   … It is related to the text in TTML3 that talks about
   public/private modules and the module registry.
   … To me this is too much, we don't need to introduce all these
   notions to define a new specification.
   … I called this an extension not a module, with reference to
   HTML5 MSE and EME.
   … Glenn noted we have extension designators already in TTML so
   the term is used.
   … I'm open to a different terminology.

   Gary: I agree there are a lot of different names and limiting
   the terminology is a plus.
   … I'm not sure the best direction.

   Nigel: I agree that we don't need the additional terminology in
   TTML3, and have made that pretty clear
   … in a comment on TTML2 pull request 1066

   [17]pull request 1096 comment

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/pull/1096#pullrequestreview-242593523

   Cyril: We merged the change to TTML3 though?

   Nigel: Yes I feel we were pushed into that and I don't like it.
   … So I agree about using less terminology where we can.
   … Where I think I do agree with Glenn is the word "module" to
   be a specification that defines some
   … additional features seems fine to me, especially since those
   features are grouped by some
   … technical theme.
   … If using Module means less change to TTML that's a good

   Cyril: You would say the new spec is the Karaoke module but
   don't introduce internal/external,
   … and just remain silent. We don't need to define what the
   module is?

   Nigel: Yes

   Cyril: Okay I could live with that.

   Nigel: I think we just can say in the Karaoke module that it is
   a specification that defines some TTML2
   … features. We don't need anything more.

   Cyril: I won't define any profile.

   Nigel: That's clean

   Cyril: My intention is we would add a new profile elsewhere,
   IMSC1.1K or whatever (don't know the name)
   … I tried to define this module by adding the minimum number of
   elements and attributes.
   … There are no new elements, only 3 attributes.
   … One of them is a styling attribute tts:imageEmphasis,
   building on the semantics of textEmphasis
   … but replacing the text by an image when textEmphasis is set
   to "auto".
   … Initially you could have thought about changing textEmphasis
   to add a URL but that would have been
   … backwards-incompatible and existing implementations would
   … So I preferred creating a new attribute. If it is ignored the
   emphasis will be a text not an image,
   … so there is graceful degradation.

   Nigel: I like the sound of that!

   Cyril: Glenn asked if an attribute should be a parameter or a
   style attribute, saying we only put
   … parameter attributes on the root element so it should be a
   style attribute.

   <cyril> [18]Karaoke module

     [18] https://w3c.github.io/tt-module-karaoke/

   Nigel: I see, ttp:karaoke to define a _section_, no, I agree
   that doesn't look like a parameter attribute.

   Cyril: Styling properties have a notion of inheritance and
   applicability, but that doesn't apply here.
   … A karaoke section allows the presentation processor to
   override the semantics for the relevant section.
   … For example a song inside some other content that is used for
   … I wanted to raise the general question - what is the
   philosophy behind a parameter attribute?

   Nigel: My understanding is that a parameter attribute sets up
   the processor with some settings or
   … constraints that apply when processing the entire document,
   so it only makes sense to have them
   … on the root element.
   … This karaoke attribute does not feel like a parameter

   Cyril: Ok, I'll change it.

   Nigel: But what to?

   Cyril: A styling attribute, applicable only to body and div

   Nigel: That works, or you could use a new namespace

   Cyril: No, we have enough of those!
   … The last thing is the general philosophy of the spec is that
   you could do limited karaoke with TTML2
   … today, because you have a set and animate element.
   … Two problems:
   … 1. When the processing engine sees an animation it does not
   know it is karaoke, so no semantics
   … associated with it. The engine cannot apply its own settings
   on the basis that it is karaoke.
   … We want to detect if content is karaoke.
   … 2. TTML2 is limited - the bouncing ball above the text cannot
   be specified.
   … This spec adds semantics to identify where the karaoke
   content starts and animations can be
   … overridden, and adds more animation types.
   … karaokeMode allows the emphasis to be applied with text
   emphasis or with colour.
   … Please read, open issues and I will propose changes.

   Nigel: We should find a way to get the word out on this.

   Gary: Maybe Crunchyroll?
   … I know a lot of people in anime community do karaoke for the
   opening songs. They might be interested.

   Nigel: It would be good to get input from this as soon as

   Cyril: Glenn said this should be TTML1 applicable not just
   TTML2. Nigel what do you think?

   Nigel: If you need textEmphasis you have to depend on TTML2, it
   isn't in TTML1

   Gary: Maybe say "if textEmphasis available then this applies"
   rather than the direct dependency on TTML2.

   Cyril: Yes

   Nigel: Good idea, if that can work

   Cyril: I may define one feature for emphasis based karaoke and
   another for colour based and in TTML1
   … only the colour based karaoke could work.

   Nigel: Good idea

   Cyril: Please open issues and we can discuss that.

   Nigel: OK, thank you!

Meeting close

   Nigel: Thanks everyone, we couldn't discuss the charter etc
   because Philippe couldn't make it - he tells
   … me by IRC that he is in the thick of some deep discussion. So
   we'll adjourn for today. [adjourns meeting]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    Bert Bos's [19]scribe.perl version Mon Apr 15 13:11:59 2019
    UTC, a reimplementation of David Booth's [20]scribe.perl. See

     [19] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html
     [20] https://dev.w3.org/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [21] https://github.com/w3c/scribe2/commits/master/scribe.perl

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2019 17:19:31 UTC