{minutes} TTWG Meeting 2018-05-10

Thanks all for attending today's TTWG meeting. Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2018/05/10-tt-minutes.html

In text format:


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

10 May 2018

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2018/05/10-tt-irc


          Pierre, Nigel, Glenn, Philippe, Cyril

          Thierry, Andreas




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]This Meeting
         2. [5]TTWG Charter
         3. [6]TTML Test repos
         4. [7]TTML1 3rd Ed - to subtitle or not to subtitle?
         5. [8]IMSC reference to TTML1
         6. [9]TTML Test repos (revisited)
         7. [10]IMSC
         8. [11]WebVTT
         9. [12]Meeting close
     * [13]Summary of Action Items
     * [14]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribe: nigel

This Meeting

   Nigel: Today we have TTWG Charter, TTML test repos, not sure
   what else.

   Philippe: A note on IMSC

   Nigel: OK, IMSC added to the agenda
   ... AOB or anything else to cover?

   Philippe: An update on WebVTT

   Nigel: OK

TTWG Charter

   Nigel: I note that Philippe has opened a pull request on the
   Charter to address the issues
   ... opened by me and Pierre, and that's gone round one review &
   edit iteration, looking good right now I think.

   [15]Ac review #29

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/charter-timed-text/pull/29

   Philippe: If there are any other requests for changes let me
   ... The end of the review is end of next week. I don't expect
   anything surprising.
   ... So far 11 responders, 3 abstains.

TTML Test repos

   Nigel: Glenn asked for ttml1-tests and ttml2-tests, seems like
   a good idea to me, but I can't make the repos.
   ... Any objection to creating them?

   Pierre: No objection

   group: [no other objection]

   Philippe: We need separate repos?

   Glenn: Yes

   Philippe: OK

   Nigel: Please could you create those Philippe?

   Philippe: Yes I can do so - will do while you continue...

TTML1 3rd Ed - to subtitle or not to subtitle?

   Pierre: We seem to have the right people on this call to
   discuss this.
   ... Nigel, you summarised this pretty well in one of your

   github: [16]https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/issues/352

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/issues/352

   Glenn: My understanding is that we want a generic title that
   does not specify edition, and is flexible?

   Pierre: Yes, I think NIgel summarised this - if anyone wants a
   generic undated version,
   ... the pointer is /TR/ttml1 which always points to the latest
   version, but associated with this
   ... ideally there should be an unversioned title that can be
   used to match the "latest" URL.
   ... The way this came up is it is weird to have a reference
   that says "TTML1 2nd Ed" but when
   ... you click on it you get 3rd Ed.

   Glenn: Yes, I don't have any problem doing that as long as we
   don't change the title in one
   ... of the specific editions. For example the specification
   could recommend a generic title
   ... for use by referencing specs. It could do that in the spec
   somewhere, in the Intro or SOTD,
   ... for example, it could have a note that says "for the
   purpose of generically referencing
   ... TTML1 without specifying date or edition use XYZ". That's
   one way to handle it and would
   ... meet my concern which is it does not change the title of
   the specific edition.

   Pierre: My thinking was less intrusive, to use metadata so that
   tools like specref can extract
   ... the name and know that "3rd Ed" is a version.

   Philippe: You have 2 ways - you can put all the info into the
   h1 or divide into h1 and h2.
   ... Respec can deal with it either way but specref only takes
   into account the h1 - it doesn't support subtitles.

   Glenn: You mean the text content of the h1 or some metadata
   associated with it?

   Philippe: The text content.

   Glenn: That's the problem, I don't want to change the content
   of h1.

   Philippe: Fine, it doesn't change the fact that we are still
   talking about TTML1. I'm not
   ... trying to recommend one or the other. It's a matter of
   taste. Some people do not like to
   ... use versions at all. They give the choice to make the
   version indication secondary, and
   ... we tell them that they can omit it or put it in the h2. It
   doesn't matter to us.
   ... You can still use the version URL.
   ... The latest version is calculated automatically.
   ... We only have one copy on the server, we don't modify it
   depending on how it is accessed.
   ... That's with or without a date in the URL.
   ... It's difficult to differentiate the case where the reader
   wanted a dated version or a general version, on the server

   Glenn: And the latest version changes over time?

   Philippe: Correct, those are calculated.

   Glenn: From the server's perspective it just takes whatever
   comes out of the filesystem.
   ... It doesn't sound like the metadata system would work unless
   you modify respec.

   Pierre: Or specref.

   Glenn: Yes, specref is what I mean.

   Pierre: The first step is to modify those.

   Glenn: How would you change the metadata in the document?

   Pierre: That's a w3c tooling choice, it should be the same
   across all specs.

   Philippe: I still don't understand - what is the purpose of the
   metadata, to give the edition?

   Glenn: What I'm hearing is a name meta element in the head with
   a generic title, and specref
   ... if it finds that uses it instead of the h1.

   Philippe: Duplicating the information in metadata is never a
   good thing.

   Glenn: In this case the content would be different because it
   would not include the version information.

   Philippe: If we push the version into the h2 and teach specref
   about the h2 would be the
   ... better option. It knows if you are linking to the generic
   latest or a specific edition. It can
   ... return markup differently depending on how you use it. So
   it can merge the h1 and the h2
   ... if applicable. That's better in the long run.

   Glenn: Right now h2 have the top level headings?

   Philippe: That's in the body, but in the head you have h1 with
   title and h2 with date etc.
   ... In between some folk are adding another h2 in between with
   a subtitle.

   Glenn: You can have an h1 inside head in HTML?

   Philippe: I didn't mean the html I meant the div
   class/id="head" - the one that contains the
   ... logo, the title, the copyright info, etc, those kind of

   Glenn: The top level div, let me see...
   ... there's a div class="head" I see.
   ... OK I see in TTML1 the title contains the 3rd Edition and
   the h2 which has the Editor's Draft ...

   Philippe: The proposal is to move the "3rd Edition" in to the
   h2 and teach specref about that h2.
   ... Visually you won't see anything different because the same
   text will be there but specref
   ... can pick the h2 or not depending on what we teach it.

   Glenn: Right now there's a "W3C Editor's Draft" in the h2.

   Philippe: Yes and we're proposing to add another one.

   <plh> [17]https://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents2/

     [17] https://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents2/

   Philippe: For example the pointer events spec does exactly
   ... It's called Pointer Events but if you go to the spec it
   says it's level 2. The intent is to
   ... supersede level 1 in the future.

   Glenn: I see. So it takes it out of the title, there's a new
   line there, basically.

   Philippe: Correct
   ... The effect that it has is that in specref if you put
   pointerevents2 you will see that it points
   ... to the working draft but the title is just Pointer Events
   because specref doesn't get the h2
   ... information from our systems.

   [18]Specref for Pointer Events 2

     [18] https://www.specref.org/?q=pointerevents2

   Nigel: I see, the title is just from the h1 - because specref
   doesn't know about the h2 yet.

   Philippe: Correct.

   Glenn: There's a meta issue about what should the specific
   reference be from IMSC.

   Nigel: That's a drift off this topic - it does need to be
   covered but that's different.

   Glenn: If you put a date into specref then it points you to a
   specific dated version of the doc.

   Pierre: That's the point, specref with a version specific URL
   will include the version, but
   ... a generic latest link would just have the title without the

   Philippe: If you're talking about latest version, you need to
   make sure the right title is returned.
   ... That could be in our backend.

   Glenn: It sounds like you need changes to specref and we need
   to change the title to put the edition into an h2?

   Philippe: Right, if you want to do that, then we do need to
   make changes to specref too.

   Glenn: Is your proposal to put the version info into the h2

   Pierre: Yes that's what I would do if that's the direction
   we're going in.

   Glenn: Even though that breaks our convention today?

   Pierre: Yes - do you know of anyone who uses the title with
   version in the h1 today?

   Glenn: Impossible to know.

   Pierre: It seems like W3C is going in that direction generally
   so I would follow it.
   ... We're just discussing modifying the TTML1 h1 to allow the
   automatic bibliographic references to work.
   ... It would be to take "3rd Edition" out of the h1 and put it
   in the h2.

   Glenn: My preference would be to modify Specref in such a way
   that we don't have to change
   ... the title to a different format.

   Philippe: No, that's not going to happen and I can't propagate
   that to other groups.

   Pierre: We could introduce extra metadata duplicating the
   information but that's undesirable.

   Philippe: We already have people using respec to create these

   Glenn: I was suggesting that specref can look for metadata if
   it is there and if absent then
   ... use the h2.

   Philippe: That would be a special case and I'm not going to
   allow special cases, for sure, sorry.
   ... It's not worth our development time unless I can propagate
   the change.

   Glenn: The problem I see is it breaks continuity with the past
   titling convention, that's all.
   ... It would also require a change in TTML2. It's just a
   formatting, stylistic change. We could
   ... make that change. Give me a few days to convince myself
   it's okay.

   Nigel: I think we should make an assumptive decision to change
   to version in h2 and then
   ... you can tell us if you find any problem Glenn.

   Pierre: I can just create a pull request for us to review,
   that's more concrete.

   Nigel: Yes

   Glenn: Then we can look at it.

   Nigel: Pierre, I think you can go ahead and do that please.

   SUMMARY: @palemieux to prepare a pull request moving the
   version into an h2

   github-bot, end topic

   <plh> [19]https://github.com/w3c/ttml1-tests/ and
   [20]https://github.com/w3c/ttml2-tests/ are live

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/ttml1-tests/
     [20] https://github.com/w3c/ttml2-tests/

IMSC reference to TTML1

   Nigel: Do we have an issue about the reference?

   Pierre: IMSC 1.0.1 references the latest TTML1

   Nigel: It's not raised as an issue.

   Glenn: We haven't discussed this - it is an open question.

   Pierre: Presumably the difference between editions is to
   correct bugs and things that ought to be fixed.
   ... So it doesn't seem unreasonable for a profile of TTML1 to
   reference the latest edition.
   ... I could be persuaded otherwise.

   Glenn: Up until 3rd Ed we insisted on only editorial changes,
   but in 3rd ed there are substantive changes.

   Pierre: Yes, but regardless of whether the changes were
   substantive, they are bug fixes,
   ... not feature additions. So if someone comes in and says
   "which edition should I implement"
   ... we would always say the latest edition.

   Philippe: Yes, that's what our system would say as well.

   Glenn: It would be interesting to get other feedback on this,
   Mike may have a different view.

   Nigel: Yes, it's a technical issue - if an implementor
   implements the spec precisely following
   ... the latest edition and then that changes underneath, then
   the state of conformance of
   ... that implementation is unclear. It could be that it's not a
   big enough problem to worry about.

   Pierre: Yes I could be persuaded either way.
   ... This is confusing from an external point of view too and
   causes arguments. Maybe I'm
   ... persuading myself to point to a specific edition.

   Glenn: In the case of TTML1 referencing XML we point to a
   specific version/edition of XML
   ... so that doesn't arise.

   Nigel: It seems to be a matter of good practice to reference a
   specific version but in doing that
   ... to accept that if the referenced spec changes then the
   referring spec needs to be updated
   ... and that should be transparent.

   Glenn: In TTML we have normative references to XML 1.0 and XML
   1.1 and both have editions in the title.

   Philippe: Which link do you use?

   Glenn: We use the dated links.
   ... The title has the edition and the link is dated. That's the
   practice we followed in TTML.

   Pierre: Listening to this I'm starting to lean towards
   referencing a specific version in IMSC 1.1.
   ... Maybe it wasn't a good idea in IMSC 1.0.1 to reference
   TTML1 without dates.

   Philippe: The only problem is if you reference a dated version
   and you make a security
   ... update that you want everyone to pick up then they won't.

   Pierre: The tooling on W3C... Imagine IMSC 1.1 makes a hard
   reference to TTML1 2nd Ed.
   ... Imagine in the meantime it was superseded because of a
   terrible security bug. When you
   ... get to it you would get a huge warning saying "don't use

   Philippe: yes

   Pierre: Doesn't that address the issue?

   Philippe: If you don't mind this then realise that at the end
   you are directing the reader to
   ... a specific version.

   Pierre: At least it gives the reader the ability to do a diff
   and see what changed.
   ... It also means, to Nigel's point, that as a group we have to
   be more active in updating stuff.
   ... It is more work for us but it's more precise maybe.

   Philippe: If you guys believe there is the use case to be that
   precise then sure. At the end of
   ... the day it does not matter which reference you state,
   people are going to use whichever
   ... XML parser they are familiar with. They're not going to
   write their own.

   Glenn: On the other hand, from a point of view of conformance
   and testing you might have
   ... an issue there, but that's a separate point. Right now we
   have referential integrity
   ... with respect to TTML references. We went through TTML2
   ... When we refer to RFC we don't have this issue, because they
   don't change the text.

   Nigel: They change the text to point the reader to a newer

   Glenn: That's true, but it doesn't change conformance wrt that

   Philippe: This is topical because the AB is discussing living

   Pierre: In some groups people want to be precise because they
   are putting stuff on shelves
   ... for years and they want to know exactly which versions they

   Glenn: I'm reminded of DOS, and switches in code to handle
   different compatibility bits.
   ... That's what you end up with when you were very precise.

   Nigel: There's a precise mirror here with python, node, java
   etc with tests for a piece of software
   ... passing given a specific set of 3rd party library versions,
   and capturing a freeze point
   ... of those versions. We could do that with our specs, and
   associate a test suite with a specific
   ... set of reference versions.

   Glenn: Right now the tests are based on a specific version of a
   spec, you could make that
   ... the other way around.
   ... In the case of XML 1.1 it refers to the specific edit in
   place date.

   Nigel: I'm not sure if we need an issue against IMSC 1.1 to
   reference a specific version of TTML2?

   Glenn: I heard Pierre say he is leaning towards doing that.

   github: [21]https://github.com/w3c/imsc/issues/381

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/imsc/issues/381

   SUMMARY: Discussion ongoing, group leaning towards a specific
   dated reference to TTML

   github-bot, end topic

TTML Test repos (revisited)

   <plh> [22]https://github.com/w3c/ttml1-tests/ and
   [23]https://github.com/w3c/ttml2-tests/ are live

     [22] https://github.com/w3c/ttml1-tests/
     [23] https://github.com/w3c/ttml2-tests/

   Philippe: I've created the repos and put them in the Timed Text
   team so you guys should
   ... all have write access to them. I still have some generic
   files to add.

   Nigel: Thank you!

   [24]TTML1 Tests repo

     [24] https://github.com/w3c/ttml1-tests

   [25]TTML2 Tests repo

     [25] https://github.com/w3c/ttml2-tests


   Philippe: FYI we started the superseding of IMSC 1.0 in favour
   of IMSC 1.0.1 as decided
   ... by the WG in April. We started the proposal at the AC
   level. Assuming everything else
   ... goes well then by mid-June we can declare IMSC 1.0
   superseded, and all of the links
   ... will be updated as appropriate.

   Nigel: Thank you!


   Philippe: We are publishing the CR for WebVTT today so that was
   the last publication in my
   ... pipeline for this WG.

   Nigel: Thank you

Meeting close

   Glenn: I just closed TTML2 issues 699 and 715 by merging the
   approved pull requests that
   ... had been open for a while.

   Nigel: Thank you.
   ... We seem to have covered our agenda for today, so I'll
   adjourn. Just a note that in
   ... 2 weeks' time there's no meeting due to the IRT industry
   ... Thanks everyone! [adjourns meeting]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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    $Date: 2018/05/10 15:18:10 $

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Received on Thursday, 10 May 2018 15:19:35 UTC