On using pull requests (Re: Protected Policy on Repository Merging Process)

On 11/13/2017 6:40 PM, Glenn Adams wrote:
> If this policy change should be adopted by all WGs for all work in the 
> w3c repositories, then I may reconsider my position.

Here is my slides from the Technical Plenary Day:
Editing the specification

Use a pull request workflow for editorial and substantive changes

* Facilitate discussions and reviews
* Merge when support
* Easier to switch to auto publish if your ed draft has builtin consensus
* Helps with testing (see later)
* See Workflow for editors and other contributors (work in progress)

> However, I find it 
> deeply troubling that this policy change was imposed on the group 
> without discussion or agreement by the group.

I wasn't there when this was discussed in the Group so I can't comment 
on this. It was be a surprise to me if this was indeed imposed on the 
Group without discussion. In addition, I wouldn't expect a pull request 
when fixing typos for example.

However, the goal is to change the editorial workflow for W3C 
specifications towards using pull requests and it SHOULD be adopted by 
all WGs. As I said during the presentation, this is a significant shift 
and I don't expect all of the WGs to adopt this tomorrow but this should 
be our general goal.


Received on Tuesday, 14 November 2017 14:39:23 UTC