{minutes} TTWG Meeting 2016-11-24

A small meeting today since it is Thanksgiving and even people not in the US are travelling, but useful to be able to discuss a couple of things including the initial TAG review meeting, planning for the F2F meeting and liaisons. Thanks to those who were able to attend.

Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2016/11/24-tt-minutes.html

In text format:


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

24 Nov 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/11/24-tt-irc


          Nigel, Pierre, Rohit

          Glenn, Philippe, Andreas, Thierry




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]This meeting
         2. [5]F2F agenda and TAG review
         3. [6]IMSC
         4. [7]Profiles registry
         5. [8]Unicode liaison
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribe: nigel

   pierre: [describes implementation experience with imscjs]

   -> [11]https://github.com/sandflow/imscJS

     [11] https://github.com/sandflow/imscJS

This meeting

   nigel: There are just 3 of us, so I would propose to describe
   and minute last night's
   ... TAG meeting where they reviewed TTML2, also look at F2F
   agenda items, and
   ... cover the liaisons.

F2F agenda and TAG review

   nigel: Agenda items for the F2F?
   ... My goal for the meeting is to review the ED of TTML2 as it
   is at that time and try
   ... to get consensus on any remaining issues so that we can
   publish a "last call" style
   ... WD for wide review, i.e. to be the basis of the Candidate
   ... I would also like to review any IMSC 1.1 feedback.

   Pierre: We may need 3-4 hours for that.
   ... I can make sure we get to that meeting with a good baseline
   IMSC 1.1 edit that
   ... addresses those issues that have been assigned to IMSC 1.1
   and proposals to defer
   ... some issues to IMSC2 etc.

   nigel: As far as I know we will not be covering WebVTT
   ... Also we may have an observer from the TAG.
   ... I'd like to describe the TAG meeting's TTML2 review
   ... They focused on profiles, and alignment with CSS, mainly.
   Also if it is intended for
   ... browsers and how to support changes in display of HTML/CSS
   at defined times
   ... in a better way than the existing VTTCue implementations.
   ... On profiles, TAG isn't sure they're a good idea, mainly
   because they have a view that
   ... we should specify stuff that everyone implements/can
   ... My view on that is that profiles in TTML are being used and
   that they form
   ... rungs on the ladder, i.e. labelled points of stability that
   people can rely on.
   ... On CSS, there was some good analysis that suggested that we
   may be making the
   ... alignment with HTML and CSS worse than we need to. They
   would like to help
   ... people understand how to translate TTML to HTML/CSS to
   reuse the rendering engines
   ... in user agents. In particular there are two areas of
   concern: 1. that we have some
   ... style attributes with names that sound like CSS properties
   but are actually different,
   ... such as fontVariant. 2. that we could align better the
   value space for specific style
   ... attributes, perhaps by not omitting values that have use,
   like "auto" in some cases.
   ... Finally they did consider the HTMLCue idea and were
   generally positive that something
   ... like that would be a good idea, but not confident about
   their ability to influence
   ... all browser makers.

   Rohit: What do you think the TTWG should do?

   nigel: In my view we should do one more pass on alignment with
   CSS to check
   ... style attribute names and value spaces, and also to
   consider what the fallback
   ... scenarios are for cases where our semantics are not (yet)
   supported in CSS.

   Rohit: Would it be worth considering other serialisations than
   XML such as JSON?

   Pierre: It's definitely possible to create a 1:1 mapping.

   Rohit: It's easy.

   Pierre: The question of what is the right mapping would depend
   on the exact use case.
   ... I mean what is the interoperability point for that
   ... If we know the use case then we can figure out the

   Rohit: Fair enough!

   nigel: I'm reminded that Glenn told us that any serialisation
   that supports namespaces
   ... could be used. JSON does not support them out of the box of
   course, but we could
   ... define something.

   Pierre: There are some solutions to that, such as specifying a
   qualifying name in the JSON structure.
   ... How we solve that problem depends on the use case and the
   interoperability point.

   nigel: The last point on the TAG review relating to the F2F is
   that one of the TAG members
   ... who is based in London may attend part of our meeting as an
   observer, which I think
   ... would be great.


   nigel: I just want to note that the liaison text is done, and
   unless there are any late
   ... changes to the text I sent to the reflector then it's just
   a matter of me finding time
   ... to turn the handle and send them out, which I plan to do
   very soon (e.g. tomorrow)
   ... That should get us the responses we are requesting in time
   for the F2F.

Profiles registry

   nigel: We are not quorate for this right now, deferring until
   next week.

Unicode liaison

   nigel: As on the agenda, there's an update to this - they're
   thinking about it!

   Pierre: It's great that they are looking at it.

   nigel: I think we're done for the agenda for today, so thank
   you guys very much for joining on thanksgiving and enjoy the
   rest of your day! [Adjourns meeting]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [12]scribe.perl version
    1.148 ([13]CVS log)
    $Date: 2016/11/24 15:59:27 $

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Received on Thursday, 24 November 2016 16:02:37 UTC