{minutes} TTWG Meeting 2016-05-19

Thanks all for attending today's TTWG meeting. Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-tt-minutes.html

In text format:


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

19 May 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-tt-irc


          Nigel, Mike, Glenn, plh

          Andreas, Frans, tmichel




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]This Meeting
         2. [5]Charter
         3. [6]Profile Registry
         4. [7]IMSC
         5. [8]AOB
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribe: nigel

This Meeting

   nigel: Today we should check on the current status of the IMSC
   press release and TTML2 WD, the profile registry, the Charter,
   the WebVTT mapping document, TPAC


   nigel: Today we have notification that the new Charter has been
   approved for 2 years.


     [11] https://www.w3.org/2016/05/timed-text-charter.html

   nigel: We're the first group to have the choice to decide on
   licence per deliverable as in section 8.

Profile Registry

   nigel: Andreas sent me some notes: he thinks that some rows
   still need to be filled, e.g. CFTT
   ... and that we should take the issue from Erik Wild seriously
   and give some feedback.
   ... He said also he may make a pull request for removing some
   parts of the informative section 1.

   mike: Where we ended up with Erik's email is that we are
   forbidding ourselves as a matter
   ... of process to remove entries.
   ... I'm not likely to lead a pull request on this.

   glenn: Short codes should be immutable in relation to a
   specification and version, so we should note that.

   mike: In spirit I agree with that, but be careful because there
   are specifications with 40 chapters,
   ... of which only one might relate to TTML, so if any of the
   others change it would be
   ... silly to churn the short code registry value.

   glenn: True but why would you update the registry in that case?
   ... I'm assuming you'd have to update the reference to the
   normative specification that
   ... defines the profile. That should be done extremely
   carefully if at all and should be
   ... strongly discouraged.

   mike: I think we all agree.

   nigel: Yes.

   glenn: We also have to be careful to allow for errata.

   nigel: I haven't thought this through fully, but since we are
   defining processor profiles,
   ... is there some subset or superset relationship for which it
   would be reasonable to
   ... reuse the same short code?

   glenn: You're either causing existing content or existing
   processors to become non-compliant
   ... by subsetting or supersetting.

   nigel: I'm comfortable playing it safe and saying 'don't reuse


     [12] https://github.com/w3c/tt-profile-registry/issues/17

   nigel: This conversation should continue on the issue. We do
   need some extra text even
   ... if it is no stronger than guidance for the group when
   considering future changes.
   ... I've added a note to the issue.

   mike: We're past due on publishing this and starting the IANA

   nigel: I think a version of it is published...


     [13] https://www.w3.org/TR/ttml-profile-registry/

   nigel: That's a WG note on /TR.
   ... It was notified on the w3.org home page, with the archived
   article at


     [14] https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/5387?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=ttml-media-type-definition-and-profile-registry-note-published

   mike: I want someone from ISO/MPEG to find the registry, e.g.
   from the WG home page.

   nigel: You can navigate from the WG page to

   ... but the latest URL isn't on that page yet.
   ... The link is now there but I've put it in the wrong column.

     [15] https://www.w3.org/wiki/TimedText/Publications

   <scribe> ACTION: nigel update the publications wiki page for
   the profile registry [recorded in

     [16] http://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-tt-minutes.html#action01]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-470 - Update the publications wiki
   page for the profile registry [on Nigel Megitt - due

   nigel: We should update the Note, but in the meantime is the
   current version okay for initiating IANA registration?

   mike: Yes, it's fine.

   nigel: The only recent change is to remove Andreas as editor.
   ... Philippe told me recently that he needs to set aside some
   time to remind himself
   ... about the IANA process and that he hasn't been able to do
   that yet.
   ... That means that Action-468 and Action-469 are still

   mike: We also need a redirect from the wiki page

   glenn: I think the best thing to do is to remove the content
   from the page and leave content saying where to go.

   plh: +1 Where's the page?


     [17] https://www.w3.org/wiki/TTML/ProfileRegistry

   glenn: It looks like there's already redirect text so it looks
   like the text content just needs to be removed.

   nigel: I agree. We should also add a link to the /TR version.

   glenn: I agree.
   ... Maybe you should just use the /TR version as the link not
   the github one.

   plh: Consider it done.


   plh: Are they targeting the 24th for press release publication?

   glenn: Are we still synchronising with a TTML2 WD, so I need to
   update with a new date?

   plh: I can take care of that Glenn. I just made changes in your
   generated version to fix that.

   glenn: I need to get those fixes back in the source content?

   plh: Not necessarily, since they were just workarounds for bugs
   in echidna, for which the fixes have not yet been deployed.

   glenn: I think I mentioned there are some additional files - do
   you have them all or shall I
   ... package them up for you?

   plh: No, I don't think so.

   glenn: I'll package it up then.

   plh: Please take the version that's on github otherwise I'll
   have to reapply the changes.

   nigel: And the current status on the press release text?

   pal: Netflix is working on their testimonial, and Disney
   likewise. Also there's a quote from staff that's needed.
   ... I believe that W3C practices require a staff quote,
   according to what I was sent by the comm team.
   ... For the Emmy PR Judy and plh provided quotes, so I've asked
   them for a quote.
   ... I thought going down the same path would be good,
   especially since Judy's quote was
   ... nice and she leads the accessibility effort.
   ... Also the Movielabs PR group has suggested rejigging things
   - they liked the EBU quote
   ... and suggested moving it higher up if that fits W3 rules.
   It's in Coralie's and Karen's hands.

   plh: I'll reach out to Coralie to make sure she has what she

   pal: I'm happy to write a quote, if that's blocking this.

   nigel: Should we clarify the situation by stating that we're
   publishing on 24th? Would that
   ... cause anyone any difficulties?

   pal: I don't think so, assuming Karen and Coralie can complete
   their work okay.

   glenn: Philippe, you changed the date to 17th May. What date
   should I change it to?

   plh: 24th.

   glenn: Ok.

   nigel: Should I send a message to Coralie and Karen telling
   them that the group wants
   ... to publish on 24th and asking them to let the external orgs

   pal: Please do - that's consistent with what I've been asking
   them to do.

   nigel: Okay, I will.
   ... I think that's all on the press release. There's an open
   ... [18]https://github.com/w3c/imsc/pull/176

     [18] https://github.com/w3c/imsc/pull/176

   pal: The idea is to reference this versions document from each
   of the published versions
   ... of IMSC, starting with IMSC 1. It didn't make it into IMSC
   1 as currently published on /TR
   ... and we've not had the discussion on how to update the
   version on /TR. This isn't urgent.

   nigel: Would that have to be an errata?

   plh: No I think you just have to send a request for an update.
   I'd have to handle it. I think I'd say okay,
   ... because you're just adding links in the headers, not
   removing links. We try to be more
   ... flexible on this kind of thing than we used to be.

   pal: We should look at how we structure this and take the time
   to do it right if we're
   ... going to do it.

   nigel: +1
   ... The other open issue is a minor one regarding character
   encoding for the ΓΌ in the
   ... full name of IRT. It's not a problem in the published
   version - I don't know how Thierry
   ... managed that, but it's not urgent so he can deal with it
   when he returns.


   nigel: My attendance is problematic in 3 of the 5 weeks of
   June, so if anyone can
   ... volunteer to chair that would be appreciated.

   pal: Unfortunately I can't volunteer on this occasion.

   nigel: Okay, thank you - we'll decide what to do about those
   meetings next week, and
   ... may need to cancel.
   ... That's all on the agenda today. Thanks everyone. [adjourns

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: nigel update the publications wiki page for the
   profile registry [recorded in

     [19] http://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-tt-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [20]scribe.perl version
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    $Date: 2016/05/19 15:01:32 $

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