quick questions


I have 2 more questions. Sorry for send many questions...

(a) tts:visibility
 tts:visibility specifies visibility of the elemnet.
 What is expected if visibility is set to hidden to region elemet?
  (1) the region and its descendant elements are hidden
  (2) the region is hidden but decendant elements are visible if any
 I guess (1) is correct understanding but this takes me another question.

 What is expected in next case
  <region xml:id="r1" and set it to visible!>
  <p region="r1" tts:visibility="hidden" begin="0s" "1s">
    <span tts:visibility="visible">

In first question, my expectation is
 if an element is invisible then its descendant elements are invisible.
If this is true, textB above is also invisibile???
If not, it means (2) is correct but
 where content is drawn if region is hidden?

(b) "em" relative unit of length
How can I specify the region extent and origin to use "em" unit?
What fontSize is applied to compute the relative value?
I guess "em" can be used to specify fontSize property only and
not for extent/origin.

best regards,

Consumer Products & Services Group
Home Entertainment Business Group 
Home Entertainment Development Div.
Section1 Dept.7 
Sony Corp.(Japan)
Kouichi Uchimura <Kouichi.Uchimura@jp.sony.com>

Received on Friday, 17 August 2012 06:35:15 UTC