RE: an idea for dynamicFlow alternative

Yes it could only count once. But then if we had Glenn's that would count as a second.

However given how little take-up this feature has had, I really question whether it should be retained. Especially if, as you say, SMIL has a better mechanism. I know you are keen to keep rollup style captions, however as I have shown before, it is still possible to use TTML to approximate rollup without using dynamicFlow.

I really think we should review the whole issue as a separate discussion after publication.

From: Geoff Freed []
Sent: 09 March 2010 11:15
To: Sean Hayes; Public TTWG List
Subject: Re: an idea for dynamicFlow alternative

So if one were to create a way to translate dynamicFlow into SMIL TextMotion (I'm not saying that I can; I'm just asking), that would count as one implementation rather than the two I had hoped for from the SMIL implementation tests?  That may not do us any good, since we need two implementations for each feature.  And I don't suppose there's a way to keep dynamicFlow but mark it as untested or unproven... is there?

I don't want to send TTML back to WD status, either.  I'm just trying to find a way to salvage this feature if at all possible.


On 3/8/10 3:50 PM, "Sean Hayes" <> wrote:
One would have to demonstrate how to automatically  translate from TTML dynamicFlow into SMIL TextMotion. Without looking at it I would suggest this is non trivial; but if someone were to do it, then yes it could be counted as an implementation. No part of SMIL could be used to replace any part of TTML however without resetting the TTML process back to WD.

In the life of any product there is a time when you just have to say that a given feature is not going to ship in a given version. I think we are at that point. I would prefer that we get 1.0 out as a recommendation, even if it is missing dynamic flow, and then res-charter the group to start thinking about TTML 2.0; when we could certainly look at the SMIL methods, as well as addressing other requirements and needs which have changed or been clarified over the years we have been doing this.

From: [] On Behalf Of Geoff Freed
Sent: 08 March 2010 20:41
To: Public TTWG List
Subject: an idea for dynamicFlow alternative

Here's an idea for saving dynamicFlow in DFXP/TTML--  could we consider the use of SmilText and SMIL's TextMotion module ( as a way to implement roll-up captions?  I read the SMIL 3.0 implementation report and I see that there are already two implementations of the scroll/crawl features:  see  Is there any way to use this to salvage, or even replace, dynamicFlow?


Received on Tuesday, 9 March 2010 12:11:03 UTC