Meeting notes 03-07-09

Glenn and I met today to discuss the current outstanding issues. We agreed that the majority are either minor editorial changes, or changes that have previously been discussed on the list and no objection voiced to the proposed solution, thus we propose to close the following issues once Glenn has implemented them in the spec:

ISSUE-118 clarify region association algorithm if no default region is present 2009-05-30 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-119 Schemas ought to use #styling and stop using -extension 2009-06-05 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-120 Missing direction and unicodeBidi in RNC TTAF.Styling.attrib.class 2009-06-06 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-121 ttm:agent doesn't allow xml:id or type attributes in RNC schema? 2009-06-06 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-122 consistency of ratio/resolution/origin/extent syntax 2009-06-09 DFXP 1.0 0
ISSUE-123 ttp:frameRateMultiplier numerator should not be zero 2009-06-12 DFXP 1.0 0
ISSUE-124 tts:dynamicFlow - need at least one flowFunction if not none or rollUp 2009-06-24 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-125 tts:displayAlign - remove inheritance 2009-06-25 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-128 tts:dynamicFlow - apparent typo in B.5.2 2009-06-29 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-129 tts:dynamicFlow - example code 2009-06-29 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-130 ttp:feature - missing feature designators, renaming 2009-06-30 DFXP 1.0 0
ISSUE-131 TT {Profile,Feature,Extension} Namespaces - need trailing '/' 2009-06-30 DFXP 1.0 0
ISSUE-132 miscellaneous typos 2009-06-30 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-133 use of 'transparency' 2009-06-30 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-134 root container origin 2009-06-30 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-135 presence of both 'dur' and 'end' on an element 2009-06-30 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-136 add note upon first use of 'c' length metric 2009-06-30 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0
ISSUE-137 tt:metadata - need example of foreign namespace element metadata 2009-06-30 DFXP 1.0 (Editorial) 0

The following two issues have not been discussed on the list, and are needed to implement the example given for dynamic flow:

ISSUE-126 OPEN tts:dynamicFlow - needs flow style duration parameter in flow interval function 2009-06-29 DFXP 1.0 0
ISSUE-127 OPEN tts:dynamicFlow - needs to account for semantics of force line break 2009-06-29 DFXP 1.0 0

They are in fact relatively minor technical changes to dynamic flow, so unless we hear objection by the next meeting (17th) we will consider these approved also.

I have opened an issue on Ruby support, and deferred it to; while we could introduce it as a standard extension now, we would have no implementation or tests for it, and the mapping to XSL:FO semantics would not be straightforward.

Reminder that the next meeting will be on the 17th to approve advancement to the next stage of the publication cycle (CR/PR). Those of you with implementations, please run the latest test suite and send me the results some time reasonably in advance of that meeting so that I can collate the results and determine whether there are any gaps that we need to discuss.


Sean Hayes
Media Accessibility Strategist
Accessibility Business Unit

Received on Friday, 3 July 2009 14:46:42 UTC