Agenda for TT telecon 09 Jan 09

A Happy New Year to everyone.

We have a telecon tomorrow - there's agenda below. Please let me know if 
there are any points that you'd like to add.

As many of the points to be discussed are now in the issues list, I 
haven't put any specifically in the agenda. However, looking over the 40 
or more issues that are in the tracker, it seems to me that many of them 
take us outside our charter, so I think we need to consider what our 
options are. With that in mind, I'd like to review where we are now, and 
where the priorities need to be if we're to keep reasonably well to our 
schedule. Philippe - your input would be useful for that, so will you be 
able to join the call?


TT agenda for Friday 9th Jan 2009
Time will be 10am Eastern, 3pm UK, 7am Pacific.

1) Review timescale and priorities
New draft of DFXP available?
Progress with test suite

2) Review action items

3) Issues arising & survey

4) Dynamic flow
Reminder - will review at the end of January but forward any further 
details/proposals when available.

4) AOB

Received on Thursday, 8 January 2009 15:05:20 UTC