Re: TextAlign002 and use of textAlign on span elements

Since textAlign only applies to the placement of inline areas inside a block
area, then it only has meaning on p, since that is the only element that
generates block area(s) with inline area children. In the case of body and
div, they generate block area(s) with block area children, so textAlign does
not apply. Finally, region maps to an fo:block-container containing block
area children, so again textAlign would not apply. See sections 9.3.2[2-3]
and XSL formatting semantics for more information on these constraints.

On 12/11/08 6:17 AM, "Philippe Le Hegaret" <> wrote:

> I noticed that the test TextAlign002.xml is using textAlign on a span
> element:
> [[
> [...]
> <body>
>     <div>
>       <p begin="0s" end="10s" tts:textAlign="right"><span
> tts:textAlign="left">This caption is on the left</span>.</p>
>     </div>
>   </body>
> ]]
> However, the spec indicates that textAlign can only be applied to p
> elements (see table in section 8.2.19). Since the span element has the
> width of the text it contains, textAlign would have no effect here
> anyway.
> I suggest TextAlign should also be applicable to region, body, and div.
> Philippe

Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2008 23:03:33 UTC