RE: spec question xml:space=preserve

On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 14:21 +0000, Sean Hayes wrote:
> <tt xml:space='preserve' [...]>
>   <head>
>       <ttm:title>Content Test - tt - 002</ttm:title>
>       [...]
>   </head>
>   <body>
>     <div>
>       <p begin="0s" end="10s">This text
>  must appear on two lines.</p>
>     </div>
>   </body>
> </tt>

> I believe the rendered text in this case should contain two leading
> newlines before the two lines of text and then two newlines following,
> it for a total of 6 lines. I suggest we move the xml:space=’preserve’
> to the <p> element, or change the description.

That doesn't seem to me a correct behavior. Any character content within
the body element but outside a p element should be ignored at the
application level, independently of whether the white spaces are
retained by the XML processing or not. We're creating anonymous span
only inside p elements, we're not creating any outside p elements.

So I do believe that tt002 should be the correct behavior.


Received on Tuesday, 9 December 2008 14:44:28 UTC