[transition] CR Update Request for Web of Things (WoT) Architecture

From https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/177

# Link to updated CR draft

For informational purposes, an auto-generated diff from the previous CR is at:

# Link to GitHub files for updated CR draft

# Link to group's decision to request transition

# Link to previous Candidate Recommendation transition request

# Substantive changes
- Terminology section is now informative.

# Any changes in normative references?
- References to all other WoT documents, in particular the Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description, have been made informative.
- As all terminology definitions are now informative, references only from that section are now informative, not normative.
- Normative references added: RFC2046
- Normative references removed or moved to informative section: IANA-RELATIONS, MQTT,  RFC4395, RFC6838, RFC7049, RFC7231, RFC7252

# Any changes in informative references?
- In order to support definitions of security and privacy-related terms, additional informative references to ISO-IEC specifications 2382, 27000, and 29100 were added.  However, as we also made all terminology definitions informative in this update, these references now appear in the informative section.

# Any changes in requirements?
No.  However, we did clarify the introduction to emphasize that this is an abstract architecture document.

# Wide Review of substantive changes
In addition to the wide reviews done for the previous CR transition, this version has addressed several issues raised by the Privacy IG during their review.

# Issues status
All issues are either closed or marked for resolution by PR transition (informative changes) or have been deferred to an update to be developed under a rechartered WG.

# Formal Objections

# Any changes in implementation information?

# Deadline for further comments
We intend to request a PR transition on Dec 10, 2019.

# Any changes in patent disclosures?

Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2019 11:55:54 UTC