RE: editor's note on the navigator property


If the code that needed to check was in a "target" i.e. sub-resource browsing context, the confirm would be useless anyway (only the browsing context that requested the exception could meaningfully call confirm)

The only way to then get the DNT value would be then to bounce an XHR off the server - yuck.

I agree we should just keep it.

I think Roy recognised that in the last call anyway.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Singer [] 
Sent: 17 July 2017 14:43
To: ( <>
Subject: editor's note on the navigator property

I don’t understand this editor’s note in the draft:

"the doNotTrack property which now appears to be useless”

Why is it useless?  It computes the header that would be sent to the domain of the requestor. The result is impacted by (at least):

a) the user’s general preference
b) whether there is a web-wide exception that I have requested and been granted (ok, this is something I both should know and could verify in other ways)
c) whether I am embedded in a site that has requested a site-specific exception that includes me (OK, I could try to confirm the duplet formed by the top-level browsing context and me, and confirm that exception, but what a hassle)

There are (at least) these three to check, and I don’t believe a script has any other way to get (a).

What am I missing?

Dave Singer

Received on Monday, 17 July 2017 15:11:25 UTC