new issues on

I had suggested letting the user agent signal back to a site when the user
revoked consent, by including an optOut URI as a parameter to the API. I
also included an optIn URI but after a discussion at  TPAC with David and
Matthias I agreed there is a  potential security risk of this approach, and
I have now removed both of these from Bouncer and from the issue I had
created about the API on github


It is very useful for server implementations that they are informed when
consent has been revoked, but a safer approach would be for the browser to
signal revoked consent with a low entropy qualifier to the DNT:1 header e.g.
DNT: 1R.


I have put that on the repo as a new issue and edited the issue covering the
API changes.




Mike O'Neill

Technical Director

Baycloud Systems

Oxford Centre for Innovation 

New Road



Skype: mikeoneill

Mobile: +44 (0)7767 416567

Tel. +44 (0)1865 735619

Fax: +44 (0)1865 261401


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Received on Sunday, 13 November 2016 19:26:51 UTC