Compliance edits per CfOs on 219 and 235

(No call tomorrow, btw, sorry that I didn't check that with our chairs sooner. Next call to be announced.)

I've made the edits to implement the CfO results on issues 219 and 235: prohibiting use of data collected in a different context and removing auditability requirement respectively. On 219, I've tried to implement the Option B (with lesser objection) but using the current language ("party to a given user action", etc.). I would welcome group review to make sure I've made these changes correctly. <> <>

If you want to review more Compliance changes I've made, the list of Pending Review issues on this Tracker would be relevant: <>
while I'm not sure that's actually exhaustively up to date on what we have completed, I do think all the Pending Review issues there can be closed if we're satisfied that I've implemented our text or addressed concerns adequately.


Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 08:12:26 UTC