RE: EU Data protection regulation break through



Rather than Global Considerations maybe we should have a Legal Environment
page, with subsections for different jurisdictions including US Federal law
(including the DNT bill in process), US State law (e.g. AB370), European law
both existing (DPD95, EPD2009) and forthcoming GDPR etc. 


If you set up headings and pages in the wiki I can start the ball rolling
pointing out the relevant bits of the GDPR, how they compare to the US
Senate bill etc.




From: Nick Doty [] 
Sent: 19 December 2015 23:23
To: Rigo Wenning <>
Cc: public-privacy (W3C mailing list) <>
Subject: Re: EU Data protection regulation break through


Thanks, Rigo.


On Dec 16, 2015, at 12:04 PM, Rigo Wenning < <>
> wrote:


Hi all, 

yesterday night, the council and the parliament concluded a deal on the data

protection regulation. The text is now nearly final. A first DRAFT is here 
(NOT official)


For those of us not as familiar with EU regulations, I think it would be
great to find (or write) some accessible summaries of the law so we can more
easily understand the implications. Are there any good summaries out there

I would like to point those of you working on Do-Not-Track especially on
19 2b of the Regulation, which is a "lex do not track". So if DNT succeeds,
will be usable with direct legal effects in the EU. 


Could we add a reference/explanation of this piece to the Global
Considerations Task Force page at the Tracking Protection Working Group? Or
maybe we could have a wiki page somewhere explaining this and other pieces
of legislation related to DNT (for example, the California bill).




Received on Sunday, 20 December 2015 13:17:29 UTC