Re: link shorteners etc.

On Jun 25, 2014, at 10:07 , Walter van Holst <> wrote:

> On the wiki I have put the following proposal to deal with this issue:
> Add the following sentence after the first sentence of the first party definition:
> Accessing a particular URI does not necessarily imply intent to interact with the URI-provider, especially when that URI-provider provides a transparent conduit to other parties' content, as would be the case for content delivery networks, link shorteners and similar service providers and third parties. In such cases the URI-provider is, from a user perspective, a non-obvious participant in the network interaction.
> Regards,
> Walter

Hi Walter

I assume "link shorteners and similar service providers and third parties” should be "link shorteners and similar service providers are third parties”.

It seems to me that this falls into two cases:  if I see the link as “See the full article on the Swampville Times” where the newspaper name is linked by a shortener that goes to their site, I agree with you, the shortener is not an obvious participant and I didn’t “visit” it, it is a third party.

On the other hand, if I see “Click on and you will be AMAZED at what you see!”, the only identity I see as a user is the shortener, and I have no idea what I expected to visit.  Are they now the first party, fleetingly?  Did I really intend to visit the Swampville Blog in this case, even though that is where I ended up?

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2014 17:18:43 UTC