Interaction between controls/exceptions (ISSUES-201, -210)

On the call last week, there was general agreement to adopt Amy Colando’s proposed language clarifying how DNT signals intersect with non-DNT opt-outs and user-generated exceptions.  She had proposed to add this language:

As a general principle, more specific settings override less specific settings, as where the specific consent in user granted exceptions overrides general settings. In the event that a party perceives a conflict between settings, a party may seek clarification from the user or may honor the more restrictive setting.

in place of the current grid in the TCS:

As a general principle, more specific settings override less specific settings.
No DNT Signal / No Opt-Out: Treat as DNT unset
DNT:1 Signal / No Opt-Out: Treat as DNT: 1
Opt-Out / No DNT:1 Signal: Treat as DNT: 1
Opt-Out / DNT User-Granted Exception: Treat as DNT: 0 for that site; DNT User-Granted Exception is honored

No one spoke up in support of retaining the existing language.  If anyone wants to argue for this or different text, please do so on the mailing list, otherwise we will close the issue out and adopt Amy’s language.

Received on Monday, 21 July 2014 14:49:57 UTC