Agenda for February 5 call


1. Confirmation of scribe. Volunteers welcome!

2. Offline-caller-identification (see end for instructions)

--- Issues for this Call ---

Note: See more info at the end for details.

ISSUE-239: Should tracking status representation include an array of 
links for claiming compliance by reference? 

Announcement of consensus for text proposal 1 on the wiki

ISSUE-241: Distinguish elements for site-internal use and elements that 
can be re-used by others (1/3) 

February 5: M3 (announcement): Call for objections to validate / 
determine consensus
February 19: M5 (deadline): Deadline for inputs to call for objections 
(2 weeks after M3); Analysis starts

ISSUE-240: Do we need to define context?
February 5: M2 (discussion): List of change proposals is frozen; 
discussion whether clear consensus emerges for one change proposal
February 12: M3 (announcement): Call for objections to validate / 
determine consensus


================ Summary Documentation on Resolving ISSUES 

PHASES to resolve issues:
M0 (announcement): Initial call for change proposals; All change 
proposals should be drafted
M1 (discussion): Initial change proposals have been submitted; 
Discussion on change proposals; Call for final list of change proposals
M2 (discussion): List of change proposals is frozen; Discussion whether 
clear consensus emerges for one change proposal
M3 (announcement): Call for objections to validate / determine consensus
M5 (deadline): Deadline for inputs to call for objections (2 weeks after 
M3); Analysis starts
M7 (announcement): Results are announced

- OPEN During phases M0, M1, M2
- PENDING REVIEW: During phases M3, M5
- CLOSED after M7
All other issues are RAISED.
================ Infrastructure =================

Zakim teleconference bridge:
Phone +1.617.761.6200 passcode TRACK (87225)
IRC Chat:<>, port 6665, #dnt

OFFLINE caller identification:
If you intend to join the phone call, you must either associate your
phone number with your IRC username once you've joined the call
(command: "Zakim, [ID] is [name]" e.g., "Zakim, ??P19 is schunter" in my
case), or let Nick know your phone number ahead of time. If you are not
comfortable with the Zakim IRC syntax for associating your phone number,
please email your name and phone number to<>. We want to reduce (in fact,
eliminate) the time spent on the call identifying phone numbers. Note
that if your number is not identified and you do not respond to
off-the-phone reminders via IRC, you will be dropped from the call.

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 20:34:06 UTC