Additional documentation for Issue-233



Data retained by a party for permitted uses MUST be [replace "limited" with
minimized] to the data reasonably necessary for such permitted uses.  Such
data MUST NOT be retained any longer than is [replace proporationate with
proportionate] and reasonably necessary for such permitted uses.


The term “limit” suggests a hard boundary whereas “minimize” suggests a
more flexible boundary that can be lowered as appropriate to provide
privacy gains.

In other words these terms operate in different directions.  Limit is a cap
and minimize provides pressure to decrease, which is better for privacy

*Jack L. Hobaugh Jr
*Network Advertising Initiative | Counsel & Senior Director of Technology
1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 750 Washington, DC 20006
P: 202-347-5341 |

Received on Thursday, 17 October 2013 00:59:41 UTC