Re: ACTION-371: text defining de-identified data

Shane and Kevin -- The phrase "user agent" in the text is intended to
refer to a particular user agent (not "Chrome 26" but rather "the
browser running on Dan's laptop". I hoped that would be clear from
context, but if it's not we can clarify. I may not be able to identify
your device per se, but can identify that this is the same browser as I
saw before. I think this is the case with using cookies, for example. It
seems more accurate to me than lumping it all under "device", and
appropriate since the text of our document is elsewhere focused on user
agents, unlike the FTC text.


On 03/12/2013 12:19 AM, Kevin Kiley wrote:
> >> Shane Wiley wrote...
> >> I had removed "user agent" in the suggested edit as this could be
> something as generic as "Chrome 26". 
> It can also be something VERY specific... and tell you a LOT about the
> Computer/OS/Device being used.
> In the case of Mobile... it will pretty much tell you EXACTLY what
> 'Device' is being used.
> >> The FTC likewise does not use "user agent" in their definition.
> That's true... but BOTH definitions (W3C and FTC) currently mention
> 'Device'... and the FTC
> reports go to great lengths about how important it is to exclude any
> knowledge of 'the Device'
> from the de-identified data ( especially in the case of 'Mobile
> Devices' ).
> Kevin Kiley

Dan Auerbach
Staff Technologist
Electronic Frontier Foundation
415 436 9333 x134

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2013 15:57:38 UTC